What are the two diffferent types of Anorexia?
- Restrtaining
- Binge/Purge
What is binge eating?
When individuals engage in episodes of increased intake that occur beyond the point of enjoyment and cause high levels of pain and anxiety.
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Anorexia causes an increased risk of
- broken bones
- substance abuse to cause weight loss side effects
True or false: someone who is binge eating is at risk for developing high cholesterol.
What is anorexia?
- A Mental disorder that causes a fear of gaining weight which leads to limiting of food consumption
Name two risk factors for binge eating
- changes in the brain or frontal lobe
- low self-esteem
- social pressure
What are the two types of bulimia?
- Purging
- eating large amounts of food in one sitting
- Vomitting on purpose or exercising to extreme to not gain weight after eating a lot of food
- fasting
- extreme mood swinging
- letting your body shape define your self perception
- using diuretics or laxatives
True or False: Talk therapy is NOT the most important form of treatment for binge-eating.
How is anorexia diagnosesed
- hx of low body weight
Perform a physical exam and compare it to past examinations
Vitals, height, weight, skin assessment, and x rays
electrolytes, CBC, protein levels, kidney/liver/thyroid function
Mental health evaluation
thoughts, eating habits, substance abuse
Why does talk therapy help with binge eating disorder?
- help individuals learn how to exchange unhealthy habits for healthy ones
What does non-purging blimia look like?
- fasting and excessive excercise
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True or False: someone with anorexia will have intolerance to heat.
Name a lab test for Anorexia
- electrolytes
- Protein levels
- Kidney/Liver/Thyroid function
What is the medication used for binge eating
- Vyvanse (ADHD med)
What is bulimia?
- binge eating, eating lot of food in one sitting.
What are the emotional symptoms of Anorexia?
- intense fear of weight gain
- distorted body image
- obsession with food and eating
- depression and anxiety
- social withdrawal
True or False: There are no prevenative measures to take for binge-eating.
- Practicing mindful eating, Learn to recognize hungers cues, stop eating before you are full, eat when you are hungry, tackle your triggers.
Name two symptoms of Anorexia
- low blood pressure
- dizzy
- fatigue
- Dehydration
- brittle hair/nails
- extreme weight loss
- constipation
- sensitive to cold
- self induce vomiting
- teeth break down
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What is bulimia?
- Periods of binge eating and vomiting/ laxatives
What are the long term complications for Binge-esting
- overweight/obesity
- type 2 diabetes
- arthritis
- loneliness
- social isolation
True or False: bulimia is diagnosed through self-report or symptoms and physical signs.