What enviromental factor affects mental illness?
What is emotinal health?
It is your ability to cope with both positive and negative emotions, which includes your awareness of them.
A radiologist is a mental health doctor.
Stress can affect the circulatory system by causing headaches, heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes.
What is the major sign of depression?
What causes mental disorders?
Biological, environmental and physical factors
What causes emotional truma?
one-time events, ongoing stress and etc.
Those who have difficulty dealing with others and establishing meaningful relationships most likely suffer from a personality disorder.
What symptom is considered a physical effect of stress?
Chest Pain
How does therapy help people with depression?
It changes negative thinking patterns
What are some signs/symptoms of mental illness?
Impaired thoughts, behavioral alterations, and emotional changes like not being able to cope with life stressors.
What does emotional truma do to the brain?
It can cause lasting changes to the brain, including the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex
Mental disorders are illnesses that affect a person's emotions, behavior, and thoughts
Stress is...
a body's automatic physical response to a situation and can be positive or negitive depending on the situation
Which of the following is most likely to create depression?
Tramatic Life Experiences
What are attributes of a mentally healthy person?
Rational thinking, effective coping skills, self-awareness, self-care, meaningful relationships, communication skills, positive self-concept, ability to learn, happiness and joy.
Fear Circuitry...
is a part of the brain that triggers extreme fear responses, such as freezing, racing heart, and rapid breathing.
Medications are often the complete solution for curing those with a mental health disorder.
What are some of the effects of stress?
Physical, Emotional, Digestive, Cardiovascular and others like headaches, dizziness, shaking and more.
Depression is ...
a common mental disorder that can affect anyone, affecting more than 280 million people of all ages. It can cause mood swings or loss of interest.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)...
a type of psychotherapy that helps people change unhelpful ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
Emotional trauma can cause...
a wide range of mental health problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Stress is always unhelathy and should be avoided.
How do you releive stress?
Exercise, Eating Healthy, Taking time to yourself, Conecting with others and etc.
How is depression treated?
It can be treated with a combination of medication, psychotherapy, education, lifestyle changes, and social support