What to know about a good character.
When you have good character self control helps you delay gratification.
How to develop self respect.
Having high regard for oneself is self respect.
Actions that promote positive Self - Esteem.
Take calculated risk and demonstrate resiliency in difficult times.
Positive social emotional environment.
A positive emotional environment exist when you receive plenty pf social emotional boosters.
Minimize or avoid contact with people who put you down.
Evaluate the positive and negative effects of various relationships,such as peers,family,and friends.
How to be a good character.
You must act in ways that are honest.
Actions that promote self respect.
Pay attention to our appearance, being well groomed is one of the fist indication of e respect.
Make responsible discussions.
Do not go along with wrong dissensions to feel accepted.
Social emotional boosters is an.
Interpersonal contact that helps a person feel encouragement and support.
How to improve the social - emotional environment.
Use positive self - statements if you are with a person or group of persons who are negative.
Values that are the building blocks for good character.
To have companion you demon strait compassion when you are sensitive to the needs,wants,and you are forgiving.
Make list of your responsible actions and review the list often.
knowing your actions are responsible help keep you from getting down on yourself.
Practice life skills.
When you practice life skills, you take responsibility for your health.
Negative social emotional environment.
A negative social emotional environment exist when you experience too many social emotional environment.
Join a support group.
Within a support group,you can experience a positive social - emotional emotional environment a positive social emotional boosters.
Other ways to build a good character.
You must show honesty, You are honest when you refuse to lie,steal or mislead anyone.
Care for other people how you would want them to care for you .
For example, supposed you want to be comfort when you are sad. comfort loved once when they're sad.
Expect other to treat you with respect.
If your actions are worthy,you have self respect.
Social emotional environment is an.
Interpersonal contact that limits options o may cause a person to feel discourage and alone or to choose wrong behavior.
Giving others social - emotional boosters.
Contribute to the quality of the social - emotional environment by supporting an and encouraging peers,friends,and family members.
How can value stand as.
A standard or belief is called a value.
Write your feelings in a journal.
Writing about feelings is good way to examine what is happening in your life.
Work on healthy goals.
You show others that you believe you are worthy when you set health goals.
Ways a social emotional environment improves health status.
* Improves self respect
*Provides support for responsible behavior
*Allows you to correct mistakes,forgive yourself,and move on
Minimize or avoid contact with people who put you down.
Evaluate the positive and negative relationships such as peer,family,and friendships of various