Number of pounds the average freshman gains
The gyms at UofSC
Strom and Blatt
The hours of availability for sexual assault advocates
Percent of U of SC students diagnosed with anxiety
What is my favorite dessert? (Hint: its something I'm also allergic to)
Apple Pie
Name one of the services offered by UofSC related to nutrition
Healthy eating group sessions, wellness coaching, Healthy Carolina Farmers Market, Gamecocks Eat Well
Name one service U of SC offers for exercise
Personal Trainers, Exercise Classes, Outdoor Recreation Programs
Number of counseling sessions available per year
Name one resource offered by U of SC regarding mental health
counseling, TAO, bystander intervention, wellness coaching, mindfulness and meditation
What movie characters are on the lunchbox that I won in a poker match? (hint: Disney princesses)
Elsa and Anna from Frozen
How many servings of fruit and vegetables should you eat every day?
Cost of unlimited group exercise classes at Strom and Blatt?
Name one of the topics covered in wellness classes
nutrition, consultations, stress management, wellness coaching, etc.
Things you can do to help yourself with depression, anxiety, etc.
see professional, treatment, talk to mentors and loved ones, break up larges tasks, spend time with others, exercise, use resources, to things that you enjoy
What celebrity's face is on a pillow that my sister gave to me for my birthday last year? (hint: Jurassic park, The Fly, Grand Budapest Hotel, Thor: Ragnarok)
Jeff Goldblum
Recommended percent of calories from sugar per day
The number of days per week you should do muscle building activities
How can SHS help with study abroad
Signs of mental health concerns
very sad or withdrawn, severe riskiness, not eating or losing weight, seeing/hearing things that aren't real, excessive drug/alcohol use, drastic changes in mood/personality, difficult concentrating, intense worries and fears, self-harm
There are 5 of this item hidden in my car (hint: it is a musical instrument)
Recommended maximum milligrams of sodium intake daily
The Amount of time that should be spent per week in moderate aerobic activity
150 minutes
Your student health fee pays for these four things
Visits to health provider, wellness care and education, visits to psychologists, access to sexual assault advocates
People you can reach out to to get help for a friend who is struggling with mental health
911, USC PD, Counseling and Psychiatry, RM, Housing Staff, Peer Leader/U101 teacher
My most recent Amazon purchase (hint: I bought them in bulk for an ongoing prank)
What are 100 rubber ducks to prank my roommate