Physical health
Mason Resources
Random GMU Facts

Name one physical symptom of stress on the body.

What is sweaty hands, difficulty breathing, trouble falling asleep, high blood pressure, dizziness or headaches, etc?


Eating a _________ diet is one way of maintaining a healthier physical lifestyle. 

What is balanced?


Name what "CAPS" stands for.

What is "Counseling and Psychological Services"?


This building contains the GMU Student Involvement Office and the Corner Pocket game room.

What is the Hub?


This is another name for a positive stressor. 

What is "eustress"?


The "cardinal rule" states adults should drink this many 8 oz. glasses of water per day.

What is 6 to 8 glasses?


True or false: The Mason CAPS office is located on the second floor of the JC. 

What is false? (It's located in Sub 1). 

This is the total number of students enrolled at George Mason University.

What is 35,000 students?


This is another name for a negative stressor.

What is "distress"?


True or false: Teenagers should get between 11 and 12 hours of sleep each night. 

What is false? 

The CDC recommends 8-10, Johns Hopkins Medicine recommends 9-9.5. 


This GMU office provides crisis, financial, and recovery support to students in need.

What is the Student Support and Advocacy Center?


This is the name of GMU's current President. 

What is Gregory Washington?


Name one example of a stress management tactic that a college student can practice. 

Answers vary but may include:

Practicing yoga or other relaxation techniques, taking a walk outside, eating healthy meals, getting plenty of sleep, etc. 


How many hours of screen time are teenagers recommended to have each day (doing non-school related work)?

What is 2 hours? (From the American Academy of Pediatrics)


This online resource provides 24/7 online mental health support to Mason students. 

What is Timely Care?


This GMU building contains a Panda Express and Manhattan Pizza. 

What is Merten Hall?


Name one example of eustress in a college student's life.

Answers vary but could include:

Feeling stressed about an exam you prepared for, getting nervous for a first date, getting anxious to start a new job, or feeling nervous before leaving for a vacation. 


Name all three gyms on Mason's campus. 

What are the AFC, the RAC, and the Skyline Fitness Center?


This is where students facing food insecurity can find help through donations by SSAC. 

What is the Patriot Pantry?


In 1972 GMU separated from this parent institution and became an independent university. 

What is the University of Virginia?