Contributing Factors
Early Treatment
Warning Signs

List 3 factors that would make a person more susceptible to experiencing mental health symptoms.

- Genes

- Physical Illness

- Injury

- Brain Chemistry

- Life Experiences/ Trauma History

- History of abuse

- Family history of mental health problems


Myth or Fact:

Posting your problems on social media is a good outlet for stress.  Friends will come to your rescue and the person you are posting about will realize they have hurt your feelings and make a change. 


Posting your problems on social media will only perpetuate your problem.  Others will feed the drama and it is likely more problems will ensue.  You are only giving everyone the right to have an opinion about your situation when it should be private.

A better outlet for this is journaling about your feelings. 

Speak to a trusted friend or adult.  


Myth or Fact:

You can't show signs of a mental health disorder before age 14


1/2 of all mental health diagnoses show first signs before age 14.

3/4 of all mental health diagnoses begin before age 24. 


What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is the therapeutic treatment of mental illness provided by trained mental health professionals.  Psychotherapy explores thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and seeks to improve an individual's well-being. Psychotherapy paired with medication is the most effective way to promote recovery.


Name at least 3 symptoms of Depression.

1. Loss of interest in activities you once loved

2. Inability to concentrate

3. Insomnia

4. Self-loathing ( beating yourself up)

5. Unexplained aches and pains

6. Psycho-motor impairment ( slowing of speech, generally taking longer to do everyday things)

7. Fatigue, tiredness, loss of energy

8. Constant Depressed mood

9. Anger or irritability

10. Continually restless


Myth or Fact:

If someone in your family has a mental illness, you are more likely to develop one as well.

Fact. Although you will not necessarily develop any kind of mental illness, if someone in your family has a mental disorder you will be at higher risk. Be aware of you habits, feelings, and talk to someone if you feel you may be exhibiting symptoms. 


Myth or Fact:

It is illegal for Therapists and School counselors to tell your parents, police, etc, information which has been discussed during a 1:1 session. 


Therapists and School counselors have to report 3 things:

1. If a student discloses an intent to harm themselves

2. If a student has disclosed an intent to harm another person

3. If a student discloses that someone else has hurt them.


Myth or Fact:

People with Mental Health Diagnoses are violent and unpredictable. 


The vast majority of people with mental health problems are no more likely to be violent than anyone else. Most people with mental illness are not violent and only 3%–5% of violent acts can be attributed to individuals living with a serious mental illness. In fact, people with severe mental illnesses are over 10 times more likely to be victims of violent crime than the general population. You probably know someone with a mental health problem and don't even realize it, because many people with mental health problems are highly active and productive members of our communities.


True or False- admitting that something is wrong is giving up on yourself.

FALSE. Admitting you are having problems is often very hard to do, and asking for help is a sign of strength and willingness to work through what you are experiencing.


Name at least 3 symptoms of Anxiety. 

1. Fixation on the outcome of events

2. Restlessness and difficulty concentrating

3. Problems with decision making

4. Worrying about potential stress

5. Fatigue, irritability, and headaches

6. Sweating without physical exertion

7. Shortness of breath

8. Insomnia

9. Irrational fears

10. Chronic indigestion


Myth or Fact:

Having more that one Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) puts you at higher risk for Mental Illness. 



1- Physical Abuse

2- Emotional Abuse

3- Sexual Abuse

4- Physical Neglect

5- Emotional Neglect

6- Familial Mental Illness

7- Mother treated violently

8- Divorce

9- Incarcerated relative

10- Substance abuse


List 5 that you would seek help if you are experiencing symptoms of mental health. 

- School Counselor

- Guidance Counselor

- Teacher

- Parent or adult relative

- Coach

- Doctor or nurse

- Suicide hotline

- Police Officer


Myth or Fact:

People with Mental Health Disorders will not get better. 

Myth. Once diagnosed, mental illness is treatable. Most people with mental disorders live productive and positive lives while receiving treatments for their symptoms.


True or False:

A person can be diagnosed with more than one Mental Illness at one time. 


Example: Substance Abuse and Depression

Many times, if one mental illness is left untreated, it can lead to symptoms of other mental health diagnoses. 



You notice a friend who seems less interested in spending time with friends and has been skipping classes.  Your friend also stopped going to practice, despite this being their favorite sport.  When you ask your friend what is wrong, they say "Nothing. I'll be fine."  This friend starts to come to school seemingly no longer taking care of themselves, clothes are dirty, hair is unkempt, never has their homework, etc.

Do you 

a) tell your other friends about how this friend is cranky.

b) do nothing because your friend knows better and this is their problem.

c) tell their sibling 

d) none of the above

D) none of the above

You should first find a way to show your friend that you care about them and listen to what they have to say.  If they decide to confide in you, don't share their business with other students.  Encourage your friend to speak with the school counselor.  If you are still worried about your friend you now have 2 options:

1) speak to your parent or guardian and ask them for help

2) speak to a school staff member which you are comfortable with and ask them for help (chances are they have noticed a change in your friend as well)


Myth or Fact:

Having a mental health diagnosis means you have a chemical imbalance. 


Depression and Anxiety are almost always situational.  Sometimes Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance.  

Some Mental Health diagnoses are caused by adaptation of unhealthy coping skills. Some children learn unhealthy coping skills by watching other family members cope in unhealthy ways.  "You don't know what you don't know!"  


Association for Children's Mental Health

At the top left of the page, you will note "Youth Page"

Here you will find helpful phone numbers, resources, peer-to-peer help, poems, art, etc. 


This disorder is characterized by depression and anxiety as well as flashbacks. It is common among victims of crimes and people in the military.


(Post-traumatic Stress Disorder)


True of false:

You need to know exactly what you're going to say and how you're going to say it before you talk to a counselor.

False. Counselors are there to listen to whatever is troubling you, and you can open up to them at a pace that you are comfortable with. Tip: if you feel like you might get nervous and freeze up, it often helps to write things down before your appointment. This also helps you to organize your thoughts and put things in perspective.


Name 3 signs that a person could be suicidal

Direct suicide threats such as “I want to die,” or indirect threats such as “You would be better off without me”/ personality changes or withdrawn behavior/ giving away prized possessions/ lack of interest in future plans/ isolation from friends/ depression


Myth of Fact:

Having a college education and living in a safe neighborhood make you less likely to have symptoms of a mental health diagnosis. 


Mental Health symptoms DO NOT discriminate!



What is the Suicide Text Number?


Myth or Fact:

Medication cures Mental Health Disorders.  


Medication does not outright cure mental illness.  However, it may help with the management of symptoms.  Medication paired with psychotherapy is the most effective way to promote recovery. 


Name 3 reason why people hesitate to get help

They don't want to "burden anyone else with their problems", it is hard to talk about, it makes them feel vulnerable, fear of being judged, stigma, don't know who to tell, don't think the problem is "serious enough", asking for help is "giving up", no resources available Facts: Your friends and family will feel worse if you don't come talk to them if you need help/ need to talk. They are your friends and family for a reason, and they don't want you to feel bad! Don't be afraid to talk about it!


True of false:

If your friend tells you that they are going to harm themselves and they make you promise to keep it a secret, you should always respect their wishes and keep it a secret.

False. If you are concerned for their safety, tell someone. Talk to someone who can help. It is better to have a friend who is alive and mad at you than to lose a friend. If you think they are serious about attempting suicide, do not be afraid to call 911.