Anxiety is a natural human emotion that we all experience throughout our lives. However, if feelings of nervousness and unease become a long-standing, debilitating issue, then these symptoms could be related to an anxiety disorder. 

True or False

Physical symptoms of anxiety include catastrophic thinking, concentration problems, and fear of losing control or going crazy.


These are emotional symptoms of anxiety.


True or False

1/4 to 1/2 of men who commit acts of domestic violence have substance abuse problems.



Dialectical Behavior Therapy teaches people the tools necessary to find a balance between acceptance and change. 

What are the 4 categories of skills called and what do they teach?

Distress Tolerance teaches people how to cope with painful events. 

Mindfulness teaches people to experience the moment.

Emotional regulation teaches people how to recognize, process, and express their emotions. 

Interpersonal effectiveness teaches people how to set limits and to negotiate solutions. 


Finding acceptance for the fact that _______________ and _______________ are chronic relapses illnesses, could help increase the time between a person's relapses. 

Mental health disorders and substance abuse disorders


What is the number to the Suicide Prevention Hotline?

1-800-273-TALK (8255).


This disorder is characterized by the development of severe anxiety, dissociation (losing touch with reality &your body), and other symptoms within one month after exposure to a traumatic stressor. Symptoms of this disorder last anywhere from 3 days up to 4 weeks. 

Acute Stress Disorder, the onset of symptoms occur more quickly than those of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.


According to the Quick Guide, "some batterers are worse domestic violence offenders when they are __________, so partners of such batterers may try to subvert treatment efforts".  



Working daily to reduce stress levels by incorporating self-soothing and relaxation techniques into your routine can reduce symptoms of mental illness.

Name 5 stress relieving tips that you could use to take better care of your mind.

Keep a journal, play an instrument, doodle, change life situations that bother you, read a book for fun, cry when you need to, change thought patterns, do puzzles, read something funny, avoid bad news, try hypnosis, go to therapy.

These skills help engage various parts of your brain and active your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).


What 3 aspects of life could trigger a person to use substances or end up exacerbating his/her/their mental health symptoms?

People, places, and things


True or False?

Suicide warning signs are riskier if the behaviors are new or if they have increased.

True. This is especially if the behaviors are related to a painful event, loss, or change. 


Posttraumatic Stress Disorder symptoms usually occur after someone has experienced or witnessed a traumatic event; however, due to initial shock the symptoms usually appear one or more months after the event.

What are the 4 categories of symptoms associated with PTSD, according to the DSM 5?

Intrusive memories, Avoidance, Dissociation, and Hypervigilance 


These types of programs can play a valuable role in supporting batterers' treatment and recovery, when principles are followed.

12 step programs; however providers should be alert to signs that clients are misinterpreting 12 step philiosophies to justify, excuse, or evade responsibility for their violence.


Distress Tolerance activities include moving our bodies, relaxation, emotional expression, staying in the moment, socialization, sensory focus, and thought challenging. They help us tolerate and reduce the impact of daily frustrations on our well-being.

What kind of activities help increase sensory awareness and help us get in touch with our senses/bodies?

Sensation Focused Activities - they soothe the body by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.


Is the following statement from helpful or hurtful?

"You have so much to live for, why do you want to die?"

Hurtful, because it dismisses the person's mental illness and his/her/their feelings. The person's desire to die could be related to a constant sense of suffering and hopelessness. If these experiences are continually invalidated, the person may stop reaching out.


Name at least 3-5 feelings that could be a signal that someone is having trouble coping.

Feeling numb or like nothing matters

Feeling helpless or hopeless

Feeling unusually confused or forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared


Depression is more than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch. It's a clinical mental health condition that is characterized by changes in sleep, changes in appetite, lack of concentration, loss of energy, lack of interest in activities, low self-esteem, hopelessness, physical conditions, and sometimes suicidal thoughts.

True or False  

A depressive episode or a "bout of depression" is  always triggered by a person, a situation, or another life stressor. 


A depressive episode can be triggered by something or it may occur spontaneously without being associated with a life crisis, physical illness, or other risk.


What 3 things are likely to happen with batterers in ongoing substance abuse treatment?

* It may take time for them to talk about their histories with DV.

* Additional issues may arise that are integrally related to the violence. 

* Issues may emerge unexpectedly at a later stage in treatment.


One popular approach used in talk therapy is one that encourages people to change the way they think in order to positively impact their emotions and their behaviors. This promotes an increase in mental, physical, and emotional wellness. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).


If someone wants to talk with you about their mental health symptoms, what are 3 things you can do when listening to them?

* Resist the temptation to give advice.

* Keep her/his/their trust by not sharing the information.

*Don't change the subject.


What are the 5 stages on the Hierarchy of Suicide Assessment?

Thoughts of death, Suicidal ideation, Plan for Suicide

Available Means, and Intent to carry out plan 


Bipolar Disorder is characterized by extreme shifts in mood, which are a drastic change from a person's usual mood and behavior. There are multiple types of Bipolar Disorder, some less severe than others. 

Which type of Bipolar Disorder is most severe and what treatment setting is often needed?

Bipolar I is characterized by both manic and depressive episodes, which occur throughout a person's life. The dangerous manic symptoms associated with Bipolar I Disorder often lead to hospitalization, in order to keep the person from causing harm to themselves or anyone else.


A husband with a history of perpetrating domestic violence against his wife may feel ________ when she seeks help for her substance abuse issues.

Angry...his abusive behaviors could increase as an effort to maintain control, which could result in her dropping out of treatment. 


Grounding is a relaxation technique that helps people detach from emotional pain by focusing outward rather than inward. This is a way to regain mental, physical, and emotional control, so that you can think clearly and make rational decisions.  

How could people with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and substance abuse issues benefit from using grounding techniques?

Practicing grounding skills can help people, who have PTSD and substance abuse remain conscious of reality as well as tolerating it. These skills could help with finding a balance between feeling too much or feeling too little.


What kind of evidence-based mindset helps when supporting someone who is struggling with mental health and substance abuse issues by fostering growth and wellness?

Solution-Focused Approach! :) Talk with the person about all of the ways to live a healthier life, rather than reinforcing the idea of NOT drinking or using.


What 3 components of the hierarchy of suicide assessment escalate risk and are cause for the individual to be evaluated for hospitalization?

Plan for suicide, means to carry out plan are available, and there is intent/determination to follow through on the plan.