Mental Illnesses
Peer Pressure
Decision Making

What is the most popular used drug? 

Marijuana (weed)

36.4% of students using marijuana in the past year. 


What has more alcohol in it, 12 oz can of beer, 9 oz glass of malt liquor, 5 oz glass of wine, 1 1/2 oz of hard liquor? 

They all have the same amount of alcohol. 


What are the 3 most common mental illnesses? 

Clinical Depression, Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar Disorder 


What percent of 8th graders are peer pressured into using drugs and alcohol for their first time?

30% of 8th graders are peer pressured into using for the first time.  


you and your best friend go to a party. At this party you and your best friend decided to drink. What would you do if she asked you if you want a drink.

 (There are several answers, the best answer gets the points)

decline the drink, call a parent or guardian and leave the party 


How many drug-related deaths do you think are in America? 

Over 72,000 people die from drug over doses in America


What is a normal BAC? (Blood Alcohol Content Level):

A. 0.06%

B. 0.08%

C. 0.10%

B. 0.08%

This is the legal Blood Alcohol Content Level in the state of Mass. 


What percent of mental illnesses are genetic ?

(80% or higher) Psychiatric disorders are highly heritable  


How many types of peer pressure are there?

4 types:

Spoken, unspoken, positive, and negative 


Your going for a walk with your friend and he pulled out his dab pen. He starts taking hits and tells you to take a hit. You already said no but he won't stop asking. What do you do ?

 (There are several answers, the best answer gets the points)

Tell him again that you don't want to take a hit and get out of the situation, try changing the subject until you get home and tell some one. If things start to get aggressive call your parents. 


What age do you think people start using drugs? 

Age 11 , 12 and the use of hallucinogens at age 


What are the symptoms of being drunk? (name 3)

Slowed reaction time, slurred speech, memory loss, dizziness, sway when they walk, blood shot eyes, and unable to do simple tasks. 


How many people in the world have a mental illness?

(There are 7.5 billion people in the world)

 450 million people worldwide suffer from some form of mental disorder


What percentage of teens have tried alcohol through peer pressure?

32% of teens have tried it through peer pressure. 


Your friend who just called you,crying and saying they are going to end their life. What is the FIRST thing you do?

call 911


What are the permanent damage caused by drugs?

drugs can affect the brain in ways that are similar to a traumatic brain injury (TBI),


What is the legal punishment for underage drinking?

A minor in violation of this offense is guilty of a misdemeanor. For the first conviction, the minor will be fined up to $1000. 


What is the best way to deal with mental illness?

Get some help, like therapy these issues are serious you need professional help sometimes


What do you do when you see someone being peer pressured? 

We will choose the best answer so impress us :)

Stand by them. 


You are at a party and the designated driver is drinking. Is there still a possibility that they can drive you?