What is a substance used for medical treatment, usually in the form of a drug?
True/False: Children don't have mental health issues
What common household thing allows joy and companionship into your life?
(dog, cat, fish, hamster)
Having a Pet
What kind of mental health illness is a result of a constant depressed mood or loss of interest in activities you enjoy?
Demi Lovato had which mental illness?
b) depression
c) bipolar disorder
C) Bipolar Disorder
What is the process of professional assistance to help resolve personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties? (talking to a trained professional about any personal issues)
True/False: When you have a mental illness, you can always change the way you feel/act immediately.
What is something you can do to relax your body and forget about stressers in your life? (starts with an m)
What is a type of illness in which people experience severe changes in their eating habits?
Eating disorders
Micheal Phelps had which mental illness?
a) schizophrenia
c) ADD
What is a free, confidential, all day treatment information service for individuals and families facing mental health disorders?
SAMHASA's National Helpline
This type of coping skill includes breathing techniques, stretching, relaxation, and exercise.
What type of mental health condition causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs and lows?
Bipolar disorder
Katy Perry had which type of mental illness?
a) BPD
b) bulimia
c) depression & anxiety
Depression and anxiety
Group Therapy/Support Groups
True/False: Once you have a mental health issue, you will never be able to get rid of it.
This type of coping skill allows you to listen and relax your mind from any outside unresolved issues.
Listening to music
What is a condition characterized by difficulties regulating emotion? (hint: BPD)
Borderline Personality Disorder
Adele had which type of mental illness?
a) postpartum depression
b) anxiety
c) PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)
a) postpartum disorder
What a is facility where patients are offered the highest level of treatment care, when medically supervised in a treatment recovery center?
Inpatient Rehab
True/False: The rate of mental health doubles for anyone who has been in a war or lived through a major disaster.
What is a way to express your feelings silently?
What type of long term mental disorder causes delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and/or impaired ability to function?
Prince Harry had which type of mental illness?
a) depression
b) eating disorder
c) anxiety
c) anxiety