Mental Health Continuum Progressions (3)
Mentally Healthy
Mental Health Problem
Mental Health Disorder
Multiple risk factors that contribute to development of mental health disorder
Cumulative risk
Stimuli or events that make someone more likely to develop a mental health disorder and directly lead to its occurrence
Precipitating risk factor
What is a strong or irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation?
Specific phobia
What is the ability to adapt and recover from disappointment, difficulty and crisis?
Trouble at school
Internal or External Factor?
Factor that prevents (re-)/occurrence of mental health disorder
Protective factor
BPS - Catastrophic thinking
Psychological risk factor
Biological interventions for Specific Phobias - Name 2!
Relaxation techniques
A set-back involving the return to a problem behaviour
Ensuring participants understand risks before agreeing to participate
Informed consent
Increases the susceptibility to developing a mental health disorder
Predisposing risk factor
Genetic vulnerability - BPS? 4Ps?
Technique involves exposing patient to increasingly anxiety-inducing stimuli
Systematic desensitisation
TMBC- Active commitment to change in the next 30 days
Changes to an individual's mental state due to false belief in effects of substance with no active treatment
Placebo effect
An example of a Biological Precipitating risk factor is...
Poor Sleep
Substance (ab)/use
Repeatedly focussing on negative thougts and experiences
BPS (2 of each)? Stigma around seeking treatment, GABA dysfunction, Environmental triggers, Cognitive (memory) bias, Precipitation by classical conditioning, LTP
B - GABA dysfunction, LTP
P - Cognitive (memory) bias, Precipitation by classical conditioning
S - Stigma around seeking treatment, Environmental triggers
5 Stages of Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change - in order!
1 - pre-contemplation
2 - Contemplation
3 - Preparation
4 - Action
5 - Maintenance
What is the ability to accept yourself and others, adapt to and manage emotions and deal with the demands and challenges you meet in your life?
mental/emotional health
Rumination - which of the 4Ps and BPS?
Perpetuating risk factor
Psychological risk factor
Predisposing social risk factor
disorganised attachment
What are the 5 categories of Specific Phobia?
Natural Environment
BPS examples of Protective factors
B - adequate diet and sleep
P - Cognitive and Behavioural strategies
S - Social Support - family, friends, community