Tools and techniques that are used to help handle difficult emotions, decrease stress, and establish or maintain a sense of internal order are known as?
Coping Skills
Name one mandated reporter at STEM
What are the types of Safety Reporting we do at STEM?
Threat Assessments - Risk to Others
Suicide Risk Assessments - Risk to Self
Self-Injury Inventory - Possible Risk to Self
What can you do to support anxious students in a classroom?
Keep Routines
Take time to connect as a group/individually
P.S. Talk to Alex about Trauma informed classroom set up ideas!
What's the western most state in the United States?
This coping skill requires you to write your thoughts down on paper
True or False: You are responsible to report to DHS if there is a suspect of child abuse or neglect.
You see a student who has uniformed cuts on their wrist. You ask what it is from and they say that they cut themselves with a razor. What should you do?
An action or situation that can lead to an adverse emotional reaction.
A trigger
Name one current staff member that is part of the founding STEM team.
This coping skill is proven to slow down the heart rate when repeated at least 3 times.
Deep Breathing
You notice a bruise on a student's arm. When you ask them about the bruise and they mention it is from a football game. When another student asks, they say that they ran into a tree. What should you do?
Report to DHS.
A student says "I am going to kill you" to another student. What should you do? (be specific)
Call counselors, dean, or admin so they can conduct a Threat Assessment.
What could be happening if a student is:
having trouble breathing
heart is racing
shaking/feeling jittery
clammy hands
What is the fruit that nothing rhymes with?
True or False. Stress is not necessarily negative feeling.
When Making a Mandatory Report who do you need to inform at the school?
Director - Need Signature
SRO & Counselors
A student is completing a writing assignment in class. As you are looking over the assignment at school, you see that she says a she wants to kill herself. What do you do?
Call or come down to counselors so they can conduct a suicide risk assessment.
What is the part of the brain that is charge of the fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response?
What is Maura Ridder's favorite color?
Name one thing you do for self care
Bath, walk, listen to music, go to a therapy appointment
True or False. You must investigate Student's claims of abuse or neglect
You have noticed a student starting to isolate from friends. They are sleeping in class, losing interest in hobbies, and have started giving away prized possessions. What should you do?
Talk to student
Talk to counselors
Mentioning the word suicide to a depressed person will "put an idea into their head" and increase their risk of suicide?
The Simpsons