Stress can cause your blood pressure to...
A medical illness caused by...
A chemical imbalance in the brain.
The perception someone has of their body appearance.
Body Image
Someone who suffers from manic episodes.
Bipolar Disorder
Giving away prized possessions is a warning sign of...
Stress can weaken the immune system which can make you more prone to getting...
Sick with a cold or flu.
Depression can affect your thoughts, feelings, _____ & _____ _____
Behavior & Physical Health
Not eating enough food to maintain a healthy weight.
Anorexia Nervosa
Someone who has difficulty listening and is very restless.
"I can't help someone with a mental illness, only a doctor can" True or false?
Excess caffeine is good is good for stress management?
False. While caffeine is fine in moderation, excess caffeine can make people feel jittery and nervous.
Depression can be caused by the inability to cope with a...
Life Crisis
A teenager with their teeth eroding away could be dealing with...
A lot of worrying.
Anxiety Disorder
Spending time with family and friends, eating a well-balanced diet, exercising, and volunteering are...
Examples of coping strategies.
This type of person gets more stressed easily.
Type A
Someone starts drinking alcohol to justify how they feel when they get dumped by their significant other is an example of...
A symptom of dry, itchy skin and lowered body temperature.
Anorexia Nervosa
Distressing dreams and flashbacks.
2nd leading cause of death in people in the age group of 15-24.
These two hormones are released during the Fight or Flight response.
Adrenaline & Cortisol
Staying connected with friends is a way to...
Cope with depression.
A person has an uncontrollable urge to eat large amounts of food, but does not purge afterwards.
Binge Eating Disorder
Recurrent and persistent thoughts and urges.
True or false: Animal companionship is a negative coping skill
False! Pets can improve social interaction with other humans, reducing loneliness and social isolation and indirectly improving wellbeing.