Healthy Coping Skills
Coping Skills

Name 3 healthy coping skills.

- Read a Book

- Writing/Drawing/Painting

- Listening to Music

- Spending Time with Friends/Family

- Go for a Walk

- Deep Breathing

- Meditation


-Pop Bubble Wrap 

-Crack Pistachio Nuts 

-Fold Warm Towels 


What is the 54321 Method

54321 is a grounding technique (5 senses grounding method) The 54321 method involves listing things starting from five and working down. This helps you to take stock of your surroundings and what is happening in your current reality – forgetting your future expectations and the past traumas, for a moment.


Which of the following is a benefit of using healthy coping skills?

a.) They reduce stress

b.) They allow us to create better relationships

c.) They allow us to have a healthy mind and body

d.) All of the above

d.) All of the above


True or False: 

Talking to others about problems in our lives is a healthy coping skill.


Talking to others allows us to share our emotions and problems so that we do not have to go through them alone.


What can run but never walk?

A river


Which of the coping skills below are unhealthy:

Getting fresh air

Talking to a trusted friend/adult 

Destroying property 

Hair pulling


Playing sports 

Taking feelings out on others


Yelling at someone

- Destroying Property

- Hair pulling

- Taking Feelings Out on Others

- Biting

- Yelling at someone you don't like


Name two unhealthy coping skills.

- indulging too much in one activity (especially if unhealthy activity)

- Sleeping too Much

- Eating too Much

- Avoiding the Problem

- Denial of the problem or MINIMIZING the issue

-Pushing the symptoms away

-Ignoring the red flags


What are some benefits that you have experienced from using healthy coping skills?

- Feeling more relaxed

- Having a clear mind to help solve your problems

- Creating healthy relationships with others

- Being able to think about your response to a situation.

-Seeing a different perspective on a situation.

- Working through the obstacles rather than avoiding them.


True or False:

Every coping skill is healthy.


Some ways that we learn to cope are not healthy for us! (ex: fighting, eating too much, running from problems, etc.)


Why did the jaguar eat the tightrope walker?

It was craving a well-balanced meal.


Healthy coping skills help us:

a.) Deal with stressors in our lives

b.) Work through our emotions and problems

c.) Process our thoughts and emotions

d.) All of the above

d.) All of the above

Using healthy coping skills allow us to take a minute and process what is happening with our emotions, stressors, thoughts, and problems.


What Are Positive Affirmations?

Give an example of a positive affirmation for yourself. 

Positive affirmations can be defined as positive phrases or statements that we repeat to ourselves. Generally they are used to manifest goals, dreams, or experiences we desire.


Exercise is a great coping skill that is good for your mind, body, and ____ .


Exercise helps you stay healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually.


True or False:

Coping skills are used to avoid problems in our lives.


Coping skills help us work through our problems and emotions. You do not want to avoid these! Avoiding is considered an unhealthy coping skill.


True or False: Australia is wider than the moon.

True! The moon sits at 3400km in diameter, while Australia’s diameter from east to west is almost 4000km.


Describe mindfulness. Is it a coping skill?

Mindfulness is when you center yourself in the present moment. It can be done through meditation, relaxation exercises, or just simply slowing down and taking notice of things that are currently around you. 

Yes, it is a coping skill!


How can you turn the following negative thought into a positive one?

*I should have pushed myself harder on that task; I'm so stupid and I always fail so what is the point. *

Next time i will start the task earlier so I have time to alter/change it

I will get back up again and do my best next time.

I am smart and talented and grateful to be given another opportunity.

No one person is perfect what matters is picking myself up and learning from my mistakes so that I can avoid this.  


What coping skills can be used to reduce stress? 

Some examples, but answers will vary...

- meditation

- talking with someone

- breathing exercises

- exercise

- mindfulness

- yoga


-reading a good book

-laughing at jokes

-watching a movie to express some emotion. 


True or False:

Coping skills help you focus on the important things in your life.


When we can cope with problems in our lives, it is easier to focus on everything else that is important to us!


What’s the difference between a guitar and a fish?

You can tune a guitar but you can’t tuna fish.


Name three things that you can journal about.

- Your Feelings (sad, happy, mad, motivated, etc.)

- Thoughts

- Favorite Activities 

- Goals 

- Future Events


Mary gets into a fight with her boss over a project. She decides to leave the situation and go for a walk. Is this a healthy coping skill?


Going on a walk and leaving the situation is a great way to reduce stress and calm down. 

Don't ever walk away from a conversation without letting the other person know you need a pause, and that the conversation can be continued later once the tension has settled a bit. 


What do coping skills help us with?

Coping skills help us work through and process our emotions so that we can reduce the effect that stressors have on our lives.


True or False:

Coping skills are not important to your well-being.


Coping skills create a sense of calmness, confidence, and inner-peace. They are important for your overall health.


What is one letter that doesn’t appear in any American state name?

There's a Z in Arizona and an X in Texas, but no Q in any of them.


What happens when we do not use our coping skills?

We express our emotions negatively, have outbursts/tantrums, do not process feelings or thoughts in a healthy way


Why do we turn to the easiest way out? 

Because it's the Easiest and least painful way out of most situations. 


What is something that you do that is a benefit to your life?

Answers will vary...


True or False:

Unhealthy coping skills are still coping skills


There are both healthy and unhealthy coping skills; the key is to knowing which are which, and utilizing healthy ones.


What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?

The same middle name.