Key Terms
What's the Diagnosis
Grief / Suicide Education
Substance Abuse
Careers and Education

Family Life Crisis

Event that occurs when a stressor creates adversity for the family, disrupting family function


Sara, a 35-year-old, married, childless woman. She was referred for treatment, following the death of her baby girl in utero at 27 weeks’ gestation. Sara reported that since the stillbirth 2 months earlier, she had been feeling sad and irritable most of day, nearly every day, and unable to enjoy things she used to enjoy, such as reading fiction, cooking, going to the movies, and exercise 



This stage is one that can be directed towards oneself, towards others, or even towards the situation or higher powers. It's a natural response to feeling powerless and overwhelmed by the loss. 



Addiction is a disease of the what?



Psychologists generally work in what field? (Schools, research, counseling, careers)




Mental anguish or sorrow a person experiences when losing a loved one


Phil is a 67-year-old male who reports that his biggest problem is worrying.  He worries all of the time and about “everything under the sun.”  For example, he reports equal worry about his wife who is undergoing treatment for breast cancer and whether he returned his book to the library.  He recognizes that his wife is more important than a book, and is bothered that both cause him similar levels of worry.  Phil is unable to control his worrying.  Accompanying this excessive and uncontrollable worry are difficulty failing asleep, impatience with others, difficulty focusing at work, and significant back and muscle tension.  Phil has had a lifelong problem with worry, recalling that his mother called him a “worry wart.”



In this stage, individuals may struggle to accept the reality of the loss. 



What does MAT stand for?

Medicated Assisted Treatment or Medication Assisted Treatment


In order to become a psychiatrist, someone must attend what kind of school to have to ability to prescribe medication?

Medical School (MD)



Children who have characteristics that make them more likely to fail in school


Mr X began to have social withdrawal and isolation around age 16, when he dropped out of school sports, went from being an excellent student to barely passing, and began spending much of his free time alone watching videos. He was using alcohol, cannabis, and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). He had progressively paranoid delusions: he believed that the Mafia was going to make him a movie star, that bystanders stared at him because they knew he was famous, and that the Mafia was broadcasting to him and controlling his mind. He also believed that his family members were out to get him, that he might not be related to them, and that others questioned his sexual orientation. When one day, at age 18 years, he told his mother of his increasingly tortured thoughts, she brought him to the emergency department, where he was admitted to an inpatient psychiatric hospital



In the final stage of grief, individuals begin to come to terms with the reality of the loss and find a sense of peace and resolution.



This is a common group that those who deal with alcoholism may go to during their recovery

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)


School counselors require what level of Education?

Master's Degree


Hospice Care

Form of care given by trained medical professionals, focusing on making the end of life more comfortable.


Gary is a 19-year-old who withdrew from college after experiencing a manic episode during which he was brought to the attention of the Campus Police (“I took the responsibility to pull multiple fire alarms in my dorm to ensure that they worked, given the life or death nature of fires”). He had changed his major from engineering to philosophy and increasingly had reduced his sleep, spending long hours engaging his friends in conversations about the nature of reality. He had been convinced about the importance of his ideas, stating frequently that he was more learned and advanced than all his professors. He told others that he was on the verge of revolutionizing his new field, and he grew increasingly irritable and intolerant of any who disagreed with him. He also increased a number of high-risk behaviors – drinking and engaging in sexual relations in a way that was unlike his previous history

Bipolar Disorder


Co-Occuring Mental Disorders may, increase, decrease, or have no effect on suicidal ideation



What percent of children will use illicit drugs before the age of 12?



Case Managers require what degree and certification?

Bachelor's Degree and LCSW (License of Social Work)



Eventual Death


Terry, a 42-year-old earthquake survivor entered treatment. Terry consistently avoided thoughts and images related to witnessing the injuries and deaths of others during the earthquake. Throughout the years, he began spending an increasing amount of time at work and filling his days with hobbies and activities. Terry often experienced poor sleep from nightmares. 



Name 3 "signs and ideations" of suicide

Giving away possessions, talking about death, verbalizing thoughts of suicide, Withdrawing from activities, excessive sleep, Substance abuse


This type of drug will slow down the operations of the brain and the body.



What alternate degree what psychologists get that is the equivalent to a doctorate degree?

Psy D