Mental Disorders
Signs & Symptoms
The Liquete Set

Preoccupation with persistently intrusive thoughts and impulses, as well as the performance of rituals or repetitive behaviors are signs of what mental disorder?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)


What are Delusions?

A false belief that is held to be true by the individual, even when there is evidence of the contrary


What is the priority intervention for a patient with Alzheimer's Disease?

Assisting in ADLs and providing a safe environment


What is the medication of choice for Bipolar Disorder?

Lithium Carbonate


Fill in the blank

Lack of energy, reduced speech, Avolition, Anhedonia, Alogia, and social withdrawal are signs that are categorized as ______ symptoms of Schizophrenia



What is Schizophrenia?

A group of mental health problems characterized by psychotic features (hallucinations and delusions), disordered thought processes, and disrupted interpersonal relationships.


Name 3 of the 5 types of Hallucinations

Auditory, Gustatory, Olfactory, Tactile, Visual

Name a nursing intervention for a patient dealing with delusions

Ask the client to describe the delusion, Be open and honest during interactions to reduce suspiciousness, Encourage the client to express feelings and focus on the feelings that the delusions generate, Focus the conversation on reality-based topics rather than the delusion


Name one of the three common medications used to treat the early and moderate stages of Dementia & Alzheimer's disease

Donepezil, Galantamine, Rivastigmine


When initiating in therapeutic conversation, how can you show you are actively listening?

Hint: Be a LOSER


1. Lean forward toward client

2. Open Posture

3. Sit squarely facing the client

4. Establish eye contact

5. Relax & listen


What is the difference between Dementia and Alzheimer's disease?

Alzheimer's disease is the most common type and cause of dementia


Name one Negative Symptom and one Positive Symptom

Negative Symptoms: Blunted Affect (restricted expressions, movement, etc), Anhedonia, Avolition, Alogia

Positive Symptoms: Bizarre behavior, Delusions, Disorganized speech, Hallucinations


What is always the FIRST priority when dealing with a client having hallucinations?

Safety/Ensuring they aren't getting auditory commands to hurt themselves/others


Name two of the four types of medications that help treat patients with Schizophrenia

Antipsychotic, Antidepressants, Mood stabilizers, Benzodiazepines


What kind of person is someone who is categorized in Cluster B of the Personality Disorder types?


Antisocial (Uncaring/Aggressive/Manipulative)

Histrionic (Seeks attention/flirtatious)

Narcisstic  (Needs consistent applause/Egocentric)

Borderline (unstable/manipulative)


Name two of the four symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

Hint: The 4 A's of Alzheimer's Disease

Agnosia, Amnesia, Aphasia, Apraxia

Dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, hypothermia, constipation, lowered heart rate and blood pressure, and a BMI less than 18.5 are all physical signs of what eating disorder?

Anorexia Nervosa


Other than signs and symptoms, what other information needs to be included in the data collection of a client with alcohol abuse?

The type of alcohol, how much, for how long, and the date and time it was consumed


What are the 4 types of antidepressants?

SSRI's, SNRI's, Tricyclics, MAOI's


Name the four phases of Schizophrenia

Pre-morbid, Prodromal, Schizophrenia (active), Residual


Answer this NCLEX-PN question

A client was admitted to a medical unit with acute blindness. Many tests are performed, and there seems to be no organic reason why this client became blind after witnessing a hit-and-run car crash in which a family of three was killed. The nurse suspects that the client may be experiencing which diagnosis?

A. Psychosis

B. Repression

C. Conversion disorder

D. Dissociative disorder

C. Conversion disorder


Answer this NCLEX-PN question

The nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of depression. The nurse monitors for signs of constipation and urinary retention, knowing that these problems are likely caused by which situation?

A. Poor dietary choices

B. Lack of exercise and poor diet

C. Inadequate dietary intake and dehydration

D. Psychomotor retardation and side effects of medication

D. Psychomotor retardation and side effects of medication


Answer this NCLEX-PN Question

The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with catatonic stupor. The client is lying on the bed, with the body pulled into the fetal position. Which is the appropriate nursing intervention?

A. Ask direct questions to encourage talking.

B. Leave the client alone and intermittently check on them.

C. Sit beside the client in silence and verbalize occasional open-ended questions.

D. Take the client into the dayroom with other clients so they can help watch him.

C. Sit beside the client in silence and verbalize occasional open-ended questions.


Answer this NCLEX-PN question

A hospitalized client is prescribed phenelzine sulfate for the treatment of depression. The nurse reinforces instructions to the client and tells the client to avoid consuming which foods while taking this medication? (Select all that apply)

1. Figs

2. Yogurt

3. Crackers

4. Aged Cheese

5. Tossed Salad

6. Oatmeal cookies

Figs, Yogurt, Aged Cheese

Answer this RENCLEX-PN question

How would you respond to a patient who is panicking because they claim to see spiders crawling around the walls and the floor?

Explain to them reality, but address their feelings

Example: "I don't see any spiders on the walls or floor, but I can see that you are afraid."