Coping Skills
Social Skills
Mental Health Facts
Emotional Regulation

What is a coping skill?

Any activity that you do to cope or deal with an emotion


If a friend is sad, what can you do?

Ask them if they need alone time or want company, Talk to them about their feelings/experiences, Distract them with a fun activity, Offer them comfort, Find an adult or other safe person if needed


True or False: it OK to not be OK? 



How do you know you're having an emotion?

We feel it in our body through sensations and then we act upon the feeling through behaviors.


What is the most popular type of pet?

Cats and dogs


What is a coping skill for anxiety?

Breathing, Taking space, Fidget toys, Grounding, Distraction, Challenging unhelpful thoughts


When your teacher is mad, what can you do?

Give them space and let them be mad. It is never a child's responsibility to help an adult emotionally regulate, that responsibility falls on the adult feeling the emotion.


True or False: It is never ok to feel mad?

False. Everybody feels every emotion and every emotion is valid. But it is never ok to make anyone else responsible for our emotions.


What are some ways to regulate your emotions?

Breathing, taking space, talking or journaling about experiences, meditating, labeling our emotions and validating our experiences, giving our body movement.


How long does a housefly live?

Around 15-30 days


What is a coping skill for depression?

Breathing, Talking about experiences, Crying or releasing emotion, Finding Positive things about self


How do you positively disagree with a friend?

You can tell them that while you validate their opinion, you respectfully disagree. We can choose to agree to disagree.


What is the difference between thoughts and feelings?

Thoughts happen in our head space as dialect (the voices in our head), songs, pictures, "knowing", etc. Feelings happen in our body as sensations that can have movement, color, and even textures. 


Who's responsible for regulating my emotions?

Me! Nobody else is in our body and can feel our emotions, so they are unable to regulate our emotions.


Is it possible for water to expire?

False. Water does not expire, expiration dates on bottles of water indicate quality only.


What is a coping skill for anger?

Breathing, Walking away, Do a relaxing/calming activity, Listening to music, Meditating, Moving your body by dancing/stomping/punching pillow, Talking with a safe person, Journaling


True or False, it is ok to tell someone you don't like them.

False. It is OK to not like someone, but it is not ok to tell that person you don't like them. 


True or False: Everyone feels sad sometimes?

True. Feeling sad is perfectly normal after experiencing a sad situation or thought.


What does it mean to regulate an emotion?

Let an emotion come and pass naturally through coping or calming skills. 


How long is a giraffes tongue?

Typically, 18-20 inches long


What are examples of unhelpful coping skills?

Oversleeping, Drugs/alcohol, Yelling/being mean to others, Reckless/harmful behaviors, Self-harm


True or False, you don't always have to understand how you feel.

True, emotions can be confusing. It is ok to need to learn what you are feeling and what to do about it.

How long does an emotion last?

However long we let it. Emotions can come and pass quickly, or we can hold on to them and feel their effects for longer.


How long is the longest snake?

The Titanoboa cerrejonensis is the largest snake to have ever lived, measuring an estimated 39–49 feet long and weighing 2,200–2,500 lbs. 

The reticulated python (Malayopython reticulatus) is the longest snake in the world currently, regularly reaching over 20.5 feet (6.25 meters) in length.