Sudden, intense feeling of fear that can cause these physical symptoms...
What is tachycardia, tachypnea, depersonalization.
What is mania
A single traumatic event limited in time such as a car accident
What is acute trauma
Preoccupied with perfection, details, organization, etc...
What is OCD
Prevalence of bipolar in the US in adults ages 18 or older is...
What is 2.8%
The three phases within Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome
What is alarm phase, resistance phase, and exhaustion phase.
Long, continuous, mild form of depression.
What is Persistent Depressive Disorder
Exposure to multiple/persistent traumatic events such as abuse, social neglect, etc..
What is chronic trauma
This would be ordered for patients with personality disorders who also take and use illicit drugs
Simple to use scale for assessing suicide risk
A medical condition that is a risk factor for anxiety
What is hyperthyroidism
What is St. Johns Wort
Exposure to chronic trauma that distorts individuals sense of self (racism, discrimination...)
What is complex trauma
Includes a pattern of unstable, intense relationships, as well as impulsiveness, making it hard to function in everyday life. Affects the way people feel about themselves and others.
What is Borderline Personality Disorder
Procedure done under anaesthesia, passing small electric currents through the brain causing brief seizures. This can improve symptoms of certain mental health conditions.
What is ECT (electroconvulsive therapy)
Neuronal network in the brain that controls movement, reward and habit formation
What is the Cortico striato thalamo cortical circuit (CSTC)
3 examples of someone who might be suffering from depression include...
What are, loss of interest, unintentional weight loss/gain, sleep disturbance, psychomotor changes, tiredness, sense of worthlessness, delusional guilt, diminished ability to think, recurrent thoughts of death
Indirect trauma that results from engaging with victims of trauma (first responders from 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina)
What is Vicarious trauma, aka "secondary trauma"
Cluster including anxious and fearful feelings. Also includes avoidant personality disorder, dependent personality disorder and OCD
What is Cluster C
A defense mechanism where someone feels unheard or misunderstood.
What is emotional hypochondriasis
The interactive center for emotions, behaviors, feelings of panic, etc...
What is the amygdala (ACC)
How often suicide deaths occur in the US.
What is every 11 minutes
Harmful childhood experiences that stem from childhood neglect, abuse, parental substance abuse, untreated mental illness, etc...
What is ACEs (adverse childhood experiences)
Cluster including narcissistic personality disorder. Features dramatic, emotional, and erratic feelings. Also including Antisocial personality disorder and BPD
What is Cluster B
Shuffling gait
What is psuedoparkinsonism