Who can stress, anxiety, and depression affect?
Every 13 minutes how many people kill themselves?
1 person
Who is more likely to experience postpartum depression?
Teen mothers
What is an art form that is used to express emotions and cope with mental health
What are signs of loss of joy a cause of?
What are some triggers that can cause mental health issues?
Trauma, abuse, and stress
The time we're in school how many people kill themselves?
32 people
Teen pregnancy can lead to what?
Depression, substance abuse, PTSD, etc
This form of graffiti involves creating a symbol or name to show an artist identity in their artwork to make their name more known
Sleep deprivation causes anxiety?
Who struggles with mental health more teens or adults?
Most people who kill themselves use what?
Access to what can help address the mental challenges teen parents face?
Mental health services
Large paintings or drawings on the side of a building or inside a building
Is having low energy a sign that you might have depression?
Yes, indeed it does.
What can be the root cause of violent behaviors?
Mental illness, depression, and trauma
Suicide is the 2nd leader killer in what age group?
Teen parents can face a significant psychological and what toll?
Graffiti can be used as an _____ for people who struggle with mental health
At what age can you see mental health concerns in children?
10 years old
How many people does suicide emotionally impact?
At least 10 people
Support systems for teen pregnancy include?
Parenting classes and mentoring programs
Graffiti can be used for artists who deal with ____ to be seen
social isolation or invisibility