Mental Health
Mental Illness
Court Competency

What are 2 common mental health issues?

Depression, Anxiety


Name two symptoms of schizophrenia.

Auditory hallucinations, paranoia, delusional thinking


Define plea

Answer to a charge


Name a long-term consequence of addiction.

Impairments (mental illness), loss of job, loss of important relationships, etc.


What is substance abuse?

An unhealthy coping method involving intake of substances


How is mental health related to competency?

Managing mental health symptoms is necessary to rationally and reasonably work with your attorney.


What are symptoms of depression?

Loss of interest in activities, low moods, changes in apetite, etc


What two rights does a defendant give up if they take a plea bargain?

Right to a trial and right to appeal


What are two reasons why people don't seek treatment?

Shame, denial, social stigma, embarrassment, etc.


Define insight.

The ability to recognize the symptoms of your mental illness and how it affects your thoughts, speech, and behavior


What are 2 healthy coping behaviors or skills?

Talking to a counselor, exercising, doing enjoyable activities, journaling, self-reflection, taking a time out, reading, reality testing, etc


What are warning signs of psychosis?

Increased agitation, irritability, paranoia, erratic behavior, etc.


Name three courtroom personnel who are neutral

Judge, Bailiff, Stenographer, Court Clerk


How does drug use affect your thinking and behaviors?

Negatively. I.e., impulsive, do things you don't normally do or will regret, behaviors that will cause more problems in your life


How can you maintain your mental health and stability outside JBCT?

Practice healthy coping skills, take your medications, participate in recovery, etc.


What is mental health?

Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being


What are 3 resources someone can use to cope with depression?

Talking to a counselor, journaling, medications, exercise, deep breathing


Name and describe the jobs of the four courtroom personnel involved in a plea bargain

Prosecutor - Offers the deal
Public Defender - Negotiates the best deal possible
Defendant - Decides whether or not to accept the deal
Judge - Approves or denies the deal


Name three skills or behaviors associated with recovery.

Going to meetings, developing alternative coping strategies for dealing with uncomfortable feelings, seeking and accepting help and support, etc.


Why were you found IST and what do you need to demonstrate to graduate and return to court?

Didn't understand the court process and/or wasn't able to rationally and reasonably assist your attorney with your defense


What are some effects of stress on your body?

Increased blood pressure, changes in appetite, increased risk for relapse or decompensation (increase in mental health symptoms), higher chance of a heart attack


What are general signs of a mental illness?

Sudden change in behavior, social withdrawal, erratic behavior, etc


Describe the pros and cons of going to trial vs taking a plea bargain

Pro of trial - possibility of being found not guilty and going free
Con of trial - possibility of getting the max sentence if found guilty
Pro of plea bargain - lesser sentence, lesser charge
Con of plea bargain - conviction on record


What is recovery?

Consistently engaging in safer behaviors that lead to an improved quality of life. It's a non-linear process. Having self-compassion, recognizing warning signs, having a safety plan, etc.


Name some neurotransmitters associated with mental health.

Dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine