True or False?
Educate Yourself
How to Help

Mental health problems are uncommon.

False- 1 in 4 young adults has a mental health condition


What is mental health?

A state of well-being in which a person realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.

What are some college stressors that may impact mental health?
Relationship breakups Homesickness Peer pressure Loneliness Academic pressure Future career stress Financial issues Lack of sleep Taking on too much Overinvolved Body image concerns Drug and alcohol use Poor diet and lack of exercise Sexual identity Hazing Bullying etc

What is you school counselors's and school psychologist's names

Mrs. Cywar and Mx. Hock


Who was the first president of the United States?

George Washington


Mental illness is caused by a personal weakness and can recover from a mental illness by turning his or her thoughts positively.

False- A mental illness is not a character flaw. It is an illness, and it has nothing to do with being weak or lacking will-power. Recovery is possible when the person receives the necessary treatment and support.


What is it called when you take time to take care of yourself mentally/physically?

Self Care

How can you help end stigma against mental health issues?
-Speak up about stigma to friends, family and colleagues -Be aware of your own attitudes and judgments -Support organizations that fight stigma etc

How can you access the school counselor/school psychologist

Email, Google Classroom, Google Form


What is the #1 song of 2020 as of right now?

Blinding Lights- The Weekend


Stigma is a major barrier to students seeking help.

Fact - People may fear what they don’t understand and they stigmatize what they fear and don’t understand.

What does it mean to be mentally healthy?
-Social and emotional well-being -Managing the stress and emotions of everyday life in healthy ways and with positive steps forward. -A peaceful balance of feeling and functioning well. -Coping in a healthy way with unexpected events in life.
How do identify common suicide warning signs?
-Talking about hopelessness, worthlessness, being a burden to others, feeling trapped or having no reason to live -Having no motivation or losing interest in activities once enjoyed -Withdrawing or feeling isolated -Sudden change in personality or behaviors -Giving away possessions, behaving recklessly -Talking about death or not being here tomorrow.

True or False: There are phone numbers I can text/call if I am in crisis and need someone to talk to outside of school

True: Some examples include

Crisis Textline: Text HOME to 741741 

The Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386

Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255


How old is NYC's subway system?

116- It's been running since 1904!


Mental health problems are best treated by my doctor.

False- No matter what their field, nearly every mental health professional agrees that diagnosable mental disorders are best treated by a trained specialist -- a mental health professional. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't still talk to your doctor about potential symptoms!


What mental health conditions are most common among students?

Anxiety and depression

What are some common warning signs of a mental health condition?
-Feeling very sad or withdrawn for more than 2 weeks -Seriously trying to harm or kill oneself or making plans to do so -Severe out-of-control, risk-taking behaviors that can cause harm to self or others - Sudden overwhelming fear for no reason, sometimes with a racing heart, physical discomfort or fast breathing -Not eating, throwing up; significant weight loss or weight gain -Severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships -Repeated use of drugs or alcohol -Drastic changes in behavior, personality or sleeping habits -Extreme difficulty in concentrating or staying still that puts a person in physical danger or causes school failure -Intense worries or fears that get in the way of daily activities like hanging out with friends or going to classes

Where can you go to access some time management, mental health, and mindfulness resources

Counseling Corner Google Classroom
How many grooves are there on the edge of a quarter?
Stress causes mental illness.
Partially true- Stress may occasionally trigger an episode or cause symptoms such as anxiety or depression, but persistent symptoms appear to be biological in nature. There are probably many things that can contribute to mental illness. The cause is not yet fully understood.

What does stress feel like?

Headache, Anxiety, Overeating or undereating, Muscle tension or pain, Restlessness, Angry outbursts, Chest pain, Lack of motivation or focus, Fatigue, Feeling overwhelmed


How can you help a friend who is showing signs of mental illness?

Show your support, listen, try to understand what they're going through, ask what you can do to help


Name 3 healthy coping skills

Including but not limited to: deep breathing, journaling, exercise, listening to music, cuddling a pet, playing a game, yoga, drawing/art


Which is the only mammal that can fly?

A Bat