Self Care
Mental Disorders
Coping skills
Toxic vs Healthy
Cognitive Distortions

What is self care.

Providing sufficient attention to one's own physical and mental wellness


A mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.



What are coping skills.

The thoughts and behaviors we use to handle stressful situations.


You're in a friendship where you always feel unsure about how your or your friend feel about each other. This uncertainty drains you and makes you feel self-doubt.



What are cognitive distortions?

Cognitive distortions are tendencies or patterns of thinking or believing, that are inaccurate, and have the potential to cause psychological damage.


What are things you do for self care.

Watching TV, going on walks, video games, etc


A mental health disorder characterized by feelings of worry or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one's daily activities



What are some healthy coping mechanisms?

Moderate amounts of venting, humor, relaxing, asking for help, and problem solving.


You're dating someone and you get along great. You spend 24/7 with them, your friend groups are the same, you hang out everyday, and sometimes talk for hours on the phone. 

Your partner has confided to you that they get a little anxious when they don't hear from you.

Toxic (Codependent)


Joan feels like a failure at school. Every time she makes a mistake, instead of acknowledging the error and trying to move past it, she gives up and assumes that she'll never be able to do well.

All or Nothing thinking/ black and white thinking.


What is the main obstacle for people trying to self care.

Time and busy schedules


A disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs.

Bipolar disorder


What are some unhealthy ways to cope with problems.

Avoiding problems, sleeping, addiction, impulsive spending, over or under eating.


You and friend are very different from each other. While you get along well, they sometimes cross your boundaries. When this happens you'll talk to them about what happens to resolve the issue.



Anna blamed herself for her daughter's bad grade in school. Instead of trying to find out why her daughter is struggling and exploring ways to help, Anna assumes it is a sign that she is a bad mother.

Personalization and blame 

A cognitive distortion whereby you entirely blame yourself, or someone else, for a situation that in involved factors out of your control.


What are some consequences of not doing enough self care.

Low energy, feeling hopeless, headaches, irritability, urge to eat comfort foods, and difficulty concentrating.


What distinguishes mental disorders from normal feelings?

The behavior needs to be extreme enough to actively affect your life, consistent over a long period of time, often has a biological component.


Why are coping skills important?

Coping skills allow us to deal with stressful situations that happen to us in life.

Your partner is really into hiking while your more of indoors person. This leads to you have very different groups of friends and hobbies. However, you will occasionally join him on a hike, and he will stay at home with you.



Nathan focuses on all of the negative or hurtful things that his partner has said or done in their relationship, but he ignores all the kind and thoughtful things his partner does. This thinking leads to him believing the relationship is a lost cause.

Mental filtering