Behavioral Health
Coping Skills
Terminology and/or Symptoms

Poor mental health increases the risks for chronic physical conditions such as heart disease, stroke & cancer

What is True

What is the term for when someone experiences a mental illness and a substance use disorder simultaneously?

Co-occurring disorder


This is a simple and very common technique that is excellent for managing emotions. Not only is it effective, but is also discreet and easy to use at any time and any place.

What is Deep Breathing 


This is a mental and physical reaction to perceived threats. In small doses it can be helpful. It can protect us from danger, and focus our attention on problems. However, when it is too severe, or occurs too frequently, it can be debilitating

What is anxiety


This makes an octopus laugh

What is ten tickles


There are twice the amount of women in prison with a mental illness than men in prison with a mental illness.

What is True- 66% of women in prison report having a mental illness. This is twice the percentage of men in prison. 

Taken from the National Alliance of Mental Illnesses (NAMI)


1 in ____ US adults experiences a mental illness.

____ % of youth (6-17 years) experience a mental health disorder.

What is 1 in 5

What is 17%


People suffering from depression tend to _________, so it is important to connect with friends and family to increase _________.

What is Isolate, socialization


What does CBT stand for?

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is based on the theory that the way individuals perceive a situation is more closely connected to their reaction than the situation itself. Individuals’ perceptions are often distorted and unhelpful, particularly when they are distressed. Cognitive Behavior Therapy helps people identify their distressing thoughts and evaluate how realistic the thoughts are. Then they learn to change their distorted thinking. When they think more realistically, they feel better. The emphasis is also consistently on solving problems and initiating behavioral changes.

CBT is a time-sensitive, structured, present-oriented psychotherapy that has been scientifically tested and found to be effective in more than 2,000 studies for the treatment of many different health and mental health conditions. When implemented correctly, CBT helps individuals get better and stay better. 


Take me out and scratch my head, I am now black but once was red

What is a match

Mood disorders are the most common cause of hospitalization for all people in the U.S. under the age of 45 (excluding hospitalization relating to pregnancy and birth)

What is true


________ is the 2nd leading cause of death for people ages 10-34 in the US.


90% of people who attempt/complete suicide have experienced symptoms of mental health issues.

Stop and write this down -

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Text: TX to 741741

1-800-950-NAMI (6264)


Negative thinking is a defining feature of depression. Positive experiences are minimized, while negative ones are magnified. Expressing three good things from your day is a coping strategy known as ________

What is gratitude


This is an action intended to help cure or treat a condition

What is an intervention


You can carry this kind of tree in one hand

What is a palm tree


Mental Health Awareness Month was created in 1949 in the United States

What is True- Mental Health Awareness Month has been recognized and celebrated since 1949. President Obama signed a proclamation in 2013 confirming May as the month of Mental Health Awareness  


What month is National Recovery Month?

What is September

The practice of putting thoughts and feelings into words on paper or voice recording allowing the person to think through challenges and express self.  It can even be turned into poetry or songs.

What is journaling?

Different from "venting", this is not usually on social media and is usually shared with only a very select few.


What does ACT stand for?

What is Assertive Community Treatment

Assertive Community Treatment is an evidenced-based practice that offers treatment, rehabilitation, and support services, using a person-centered, recovery-based approach, to individuals that have been diagnosed with serious mental illness. Services are provided to individuals by a mobile, multi-disciplinary team in community settings. The goal of Assertive Community Treatment services is to assist individuals to achieve their personally meaningful goals and life roles. 

Assertive Community Treatment services include

  • assertive outreach
  • mental health treatment
  • vocational support
  • integrated dual disorder treatment
  • family education
  • wellness skills
  • community linkages
  • peer support

If you drop me I'm sure to crack, but give me a smile and I'll always smile back. What am I?

What is a mirror


Half of all mental illness occurs before a person turns 18 years of age 


Three-quarters of mental illnesses begin before age 30

What is False.

Half of all mental illness occurs before a person turns 14 & three-quarters of mental illness begin before age 24 

According to the CDC 


What is the national suicide phone number and text number?

What is the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) helpline?

What is 

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Text: TX to 741741

1-800-950-NAMI (6264)


This is a type of meditation where you focus on the intenseness of what you are feeling or sensing at the moment

What is mindfulness or grounding


This is one of the tools your body uses to protect you from danger. When you feel threatened, this automatic response is triggered and several physiological changes occur

What is 

Fight, flight, or freeze response

"Downstairs brain/reptilian brain"


I have no doors, but I have keys. 

I have no rooms, but I do have space.

You can enter, but you can never leave.

What am I? 

What is a keyboard