Do You Mind(ful)?
What are we, 5?
What are we, Reasonable?
What in Tarnation?
Oh No

Something you would SEE when you step outside.



Perchance a deer?

More construction!


Little Timmy stubbed his toe on a table leg while walking around.

Absolutely obliterate that table.


Little Timmy stubbed his toe on a table leg while walking around.

Sit down and get some ice.


"When you give a personal lesson in meanness to a critter or to a person, don’t be surprised if they learn their lesson."

If you act badly towards a person or an animal, they'll learn to act badly towards you in response.

What do you call a pile of cats?

A Meowtain.


Something you HEAR right now in the classroom.

The vent running.

Someone's foot tapping.

Someone dropping a pencil (it's gonna happen).


Little Timmy realizes they ran out of his favorite cereal at home.

Steal the car, raid Giant Eagle.


Little Timmy realizes they ran out of his favorite cereal at home.

Get something else to eat. Make a note to get some more.


"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment."

Making mistakes is part of the learning process, so long as you actually learn from them.


Why do barbers always win races?

Because they know all the short cuts.


Something you SMELL when you walk into the kitchen.

Food cooking.

Soap or cleaning supplies.

Food cooking.

Coffee or other drinks.

Did I mention food already?


Little Timmy is on a losing streak in his favorite video game.

TV? Smashed. Controller? Thrown. Gamer Chair? In the pool.


Little Timmy is on a losing streak in his favorite video game.

Step back, take a break. Maybe eat something so you don't stay mad, bro.


"There never was a horse that couldn’t be rode;
Never was a cowboy who couldn’t be thrown."

Anything's possible with enough effort, but don't go thinking you won't make mistakes along the way.


Why can't a bicycle stand on its own?

Because it's two-tired.


Something you can TASTE in your mouth right now.

Something sour.

Whatever remains of your breakfast.

You remembered to brush your teeth this morning, right?


Little Timmy worked really hard on a project at school, but ended up making a mistake on it right before it was finished.

It's been totally ruined. Destroy the evidence.


Little Timmy worked really hard on a project at school, but ended up making a mistake on it right before it was finished.

Try to fix it, or get some help.


"A gallant retreat is better than a bad stand. "

Owning a mistake or admitting you're wrong is often better than staying stubborn and making things worse.


What do you call a magician who lost their magic?



Something you can FEEL on your skin right this minute.

Your clothes.

The seat under you (hopefully).

A pencil or pen in your hands.

Hope you aren't itchy.


Little Timmy got into a disagreement with one of his best friends over something that's not that big overall, but feels intense in the moment.

Fistfight in the parking lot behind the Denny's at 5 AM.


Little Timmy got into a disagreement with one of his best friends over something that's not that big overall, but feels intense in the moment.

Take a break from the convo, and come back when everyone's a little less hot headed.


"Don’t argue with idiots, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. "

Don't let someone drag you into trouble with them: you'll end up losing more in the situation than them.


When's a door not a door?

When it's ajar.