Chap 1

Is the following statement true or false?

•The definition of mental health is standardized and universally accepted.


•Rationale: There is no single universal definition of mental health, which has many components and is influenced by myriad factors.


Which of the following drugs would the nurse expect to administer to a client with ADHD?

A. Disulfiram

B. Methylphenidate

C. Buspirone

D. Lithium

B. Methylphenidate

•Rationale: Methylphenidate is a stimulant used to treat ADHD


Which of the following includes the concept of automatic thoughts?

A. Cognitive therapy

B. Rational emotive therapy

C. Logotherapy

D. Gestalt therapy

B. Rational emotive therapy

•Rationale: Rational emotive therapy focuses on 11  irrational beliefs and automatic thoughts


Is the following statement true or false?

•Board and care homes are an example of a partial hospitalization program.


•Rationale: A board and care home is an example of a residential treatment setting.


Is the following statement true or false?

•A nurse displays empathy by showing feelings of concern and compassion.


•Rationale: Empathy is putting oneself into the client’s shoes.

–Sympathy is showing feelings of concern and compassion


Which statement best reflects the current state of mental health and mental illness? 

A. Mental health-care costs exceed the costs for cancer care.

B. Most adults and children receive adequate mental health care.

C. Community resources for the homeless with mental illness are adequate.

D. Deinstitutionalization has reduced the revolving-door effect

A. Mental health-care costs exceed the costs for cancer care.

•Rationale: The economic burden of mental illness exceeds that for all types of cancer care.


Is the following statement true or false?

•Single photon emission computed tomography is considered the best type of brain imaging technique to diagnose disease.


•Rationale: Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is not considered the major type of brain imaging used to diagnose disease. In fact, many of the changes in the brain are not currently detectable with any of the current techniques.


A client presents to the ER with a flat affect and disheveled appearance. the nurse objectively can see that the client has experienced an adventitious crisis. Which are examples of adventitious crises? SATA

A. Death of loved one

B. Natural disasters

C. Violent Crimes

D. War


Rationale: Adventitious crises include natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, or hurricanes; war, terrorist attacks; riot; and violent crimes, such as rape or murder. Maturational or developmental crises are predictable events in the normal course of life, such as leaving home for the 1st time, getting married, having a baby, and beginning a career. Situational crises are unanticipated or sudden events that threaten the individual's integrity, such as death of a loved one, loss of a job, and physical or emotional illness in the individual or family member.


Is the following statement true or false?

•In the clubhouse model, the relationship between clients is most important.


•Rationale: With the clubhouse model, the physician–client relationship is the most important.


Is the following statement true or false?

•A social relationship involves superficial communication for the purposes of friendship or task accomplishment.


•Rationale: A social relationship occurs for friendship, socialization, companionship, or task achievement. It involves superficial communication with shifting roles


What purpose does the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and statistical manual of disorders) serve?

-Standardize nomenclature, language

–Identify defining characteristics or symptoms

–Assist in identifying underlying causes 


What is the definition of...




Efficacy (maximum therapeutic effect)

•Potency (amount of drug needed for maximum effect)

•Half-life (time it takes for ½ of the drug to leave the body)


Group members are actively discussing a common topic. Members are sharing that they identify with what others are saying. The nurse leader recognizes that the group is in which stage of group development?

A. Planning

B. initial

C. Working

D. Termination


The working stage of group development begins as members begin to focus their attention on the purpose or task the group is trying to accomplish.


Which of the following disciplines most likely would be included as part of the interdisciplinary team?

A. Physician’s assistant

B. Physical therapist

C. Pharmacist

D. Dietician

C. Pharmacist

•Rationale: The pharmacist would be a member of the interdisciplinary team when medication, management of side effects, and/or interactions with nonpsychiatric medications are complex.


During the working phase of a nurse–client relationship, which of the following would occur?

A. Expectations are clarified.

B. Nurse–client contracts are established.

C. Feelings of loss are addressed.

D. Client’s feelings are examined.

D. Client’s feelings are examined.

•Rationale: During the working phase, the client identifies issues or concerns and his or her feelings and responses are examined.


Before the period of enlightenment, treatment of the mentally ill included what?

A.  Creating large institutions to provide custodial care.

B. focusing on religious education to improve their souls.

C. placing the mentally ill on display for the public's amusement.

D. providing a safe refuge or haven offering protection

C. Placing the mentally ill on display for the public's amusement


Which of the following drugs would be classified as a conventional antipsychotic?

A. Clozapine

B. Risperidone

C. Fluphenazine

D. Aripiprazole

C. Fluphenazine

•Rationale: Fluphenazine is classified as a conventional    antipsychotic.


A nursing supervisor reprimands an employee for being chronically late for work. If the employee handles the reprimand using the defense mechanism of displacement, the employee would most likely do what?

A. Argue with the supervisor that the employee is usually on time.

B. Make a special effort to be on time tomorrow.

C. Tell fellow employees that the supervisor is picking on the employee.

D. Tell the unit housekeeper that the unit housekeeper's work is sloppy.


Displacement involves venting feelings towards another, less threatening person. Arguing is denial. Making a special effort is compensation. Telling fellow employees that the supervisor is picking on the employee is projection.


A client with depression is admitted to an inpatient hospital unit for treatment. what type of therapy is MOST likely provided in this setting?

A. leisure skills

B. self-monitoring of treatment

C. skills for daily living

D. talk therapy

D. Talk therapy

A typical psychiatric unit emphasizes talk therapy, or one on one interactions between residents and staff.


What is the most important skill the nurse must bring to the therapeutic nurse-client relationship?

A. Confrontation

B. Empathy


D. Reframing


the nurse must be able to express caring and concern for the client.


What is meant by the term revolving door effect?

A. An overall reduction in incidence if severe mental health

B. Shorter and more frequent hospital stays for persons with severe and persistent mental illness

C. Flexible treatment settings for the mentally ill

D. Most effective and least expensive treatment settings

B. Shorter and more frequent hospital stays for persons with severe and persistent mental illness


Is the following statement true or false?

•A client who takes an SSRI with an MAOI is at risk for a hypertensive crisis


•Rationale: A client who takes an SSRI with an MAOI is at risk for serotonin syndrome.


The nurse is assessing a client who is talking about the client's son's recent death but who shows no emotion of any kind. The client describes the physiologic events that occurred as the son died. The nurse recognizes that the client is using which defense mechanism?

A. Dissociation

B. Displacement

C. Intellectualization

D. Suppression


With intellectualization the client is aware of the facts of the situation but does not show the emotions associated with the situation. The client excessively uses abstract thinking or the making of generalizations the control or minimize disturbing feelings. Describing the physiological events helps to control the clients feelings.


Some residential treatment settings are transitional. This means that clients are eventually expected to do what?

A. No longer need therapy

B. Find employment

C. No longer need medication

D. Relocate to another setting

D. Relocate to another setting


The nurse has been working with a client with an eating disorder fro 1 week. During the morning treatment team meeting, the treatment plan is updated. which would be appropriate interventions at this time in the nurse-client relationship? SATA

A. Exploring perceptions of reality

B. Promoting a positive self-concept

C. Explaining the boundaries of the relationship

D. Working through resistance

E. Addressing testing behaviors

A, B,D