Therapeutic Modalities
Coping Skills
'F' Codes

Therapy models that can be used to treat Depression and Anxiety.

What is CBT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Exposure Therapy, Bibliotherapy, Art Therapy, Psycotherapy, Dialetical Behavior Therapy, EMDR, Emotion-Focused Therapy, Internal Family Systems, Family Therapy, Pharmacotherapy, etc.


What medication(s) work well for PTSD?

What is Zoloft (Sertraline), Paxil (Paroxetine), Fluoextine (Prozac), Elavil (Amitriptyline)


A breathing technique/exercise. 

What is box breathing, straw/purse breathing, 4-7-8 breathing, Belly breathing, etc.


A 'F' Code for Depression

What is F33.0 - Mild, F33.1 - Moderate, F33.2 - Severe, F33.3 – w/psychotic features, F33.9 – unspecified, F33.41 – In partial remission, F33.42 – In full remission, F32.0 - Mild, F32.1 - Moderate, F32.2 – Severe, F32.3 - w/psychotic features, F32.4 - In partial remission, F32.5 - In full remission, F32.9 - unspecified


Criteria of PTSD includes exposure to what?

What is death, serious injury or sexual violence via direct experience of the event, witnessing the event, learning it happened to a close friend or family member, or repeated exposure to details of trauma.


Therapy models that can be used to treat PTSD.

What is CBT, Psychotherapy, Exposure Therapy, EMDR, DBT, Art Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Pharmacotherapy, etc.


This medication is used for Bipolar?

What is Depakote, Olanzapine (Zyprexa), Lithium, Abilify (Aripiprazole), Respiradone, Seroquel


What are effective coping skills for mood disorders?

What is adequate sleep, breathing techniques, exercise, mindfulness, therapy, music, yoga, meditation, support animals, etc.


'F' Code for an Anxiety diagnosis

What is F41.1 – General Anxiety Disorder, F42.8 – Other specified Anxiety Disorder, F41.9 – Unspecified Anxiety Disorder, F93.0 - Separation Anxiety Disorder, F94.0 – Selective Mutism, F40.10 – Social Anxiety Disorder, F41.0 – Panic Disorder, F40.00 – Agrophobia


What symptoms are indicators of Panic Disorder?

What is intense fear or discomfort that may be accompanied by palpitations, sweating, trembling, and shortness of breath. Panic disorder can be differentiated from other anxiety disorders by the presence of panic attacks and the fear of having additional panic attacks.


Therapy models that can be used to treat Bipolar disorders.

What is Psychoeducation & Group Psychoeducation, CBT, DBT, Pharmacotherapy


What type of medications are used for mood disorders?

What are antidepressants and mood stabilizers?


True or False: coping skills are only used for specific diagnoses.

FALSE: coping skills can be used for all diagnoses.


'F' Codes for ADHD

What is F90.8 – Other Specified ADHD, F90.9 – Unspecified ADHD


An extreme focus on physical symptoms — such as pain or fatigue — that causes major emotional distress and problems functioning. 

What are somatic symptoms? 

According to the DSM-V: somatic symptom disorder (SSD) involves one or more physical symptoms accompanied by an excessive amount of time, energy, emotion, and/or behavior related to the symptom that results in significant distress and/or dysfunction. 


Therapy models that can be used to treat Schizoaffective Disorders.

What is CBT, psychoeducation, DBT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Pharmacotherapy


What is/are the category of medications used to treat ADHD?

What are stimulants, nonstimulants, and antidepressants.


Your personal coping skill.


'F' Code for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

What is F43.10?
How long can you keep Adjustment Disorder as a client's diagnosis?

What is 6 months? An adjustment disorder goes away over time when you remove or adapt to the stressor that triggered your symptoms. On average, the condition resolves within six months. 

Adjustment disorder can also be used as a placeholder to identify more criteria that is better characteristic of a more specific diagnosis. 


Therapy models that can be used to treat OCD.

What is CT, BT, CBT, Exposure Therapy, Psychotherapy, Pharmacotherapy


True or False: It is important to understand the purpose, side effects, and classification of medications.

TRUE: Because 

1. understanding how different medications interact could, potentially, prevent a mental break, serious health issue, and/or death;

2. knowing the effects of a medication helps us understand how it may help or hurt a particular a client with their diagnosis; and

3. being knowledgeable on side effects can help the client understand if what they are experiencing is normal or problematic and gives us insight of causes of a client's presentation, in and out of the therapy session.


Why are coping skills important?



What are 'F' codes for Schizoaffective Disorders

What is F60.1 – Schizoid Personality Disorder, F21 – Schizotypal Personality Disorder, F22 - Delusional disorder, F23 - brief psychotic disorder, F20.9 – schizophrenia, F25.0 - Schizoaffective disorder bipolar type, F25.1 - Schizoaffective disorder depressive type, F10 - Alcohol, F12 – Cannabis, F16 – Phencyclodine or other hallucinogens, F14 - Cocaine, F15 - Amphetamine type substance or other stimulant, F13 – Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic, F18 - Inhalant, F19 - Other unknown substance


What is the purpose of diagnosing in the mental health field?

What is using a diagnosis to advise clients on treatment options and future health risk.