Trauma- Related Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Depressive and Bipolar Disorders

What does 'PTSD' stand for? 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


What is the most common mental health disorder in the U.S?

Anxiety Disorders (specifically Generalized Anxiety Disorder)


True or False: Depressive disorders are 2x as common in men than women

False! Other way around.


The main character of the movie A Beautiful Mind, John Nash, experiences what mental illness?



Name 3 ways you can practice self-care anytime, anywhere!

- Breathing exercise


- Movement/exercise

-Grounding exercise

-Practice gratitude

- Be kind to others/give a compliment

-Say something nice to yourself


Does everybody who experiences a traumatic event develop PTSD or a trauma-related disorder?



What group is more likely to experience Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), males or females?


Women and adolescent girls are at least 2x as likely as men and adolescent boys to experience GAD.


True or False: Individuals with a parent with bipolar disorder are 4x more likely to develop bipolar disorder



What are hallucinations?

A perception of having seen, heard, touched, or tasted something that was not really there.


What does 'OCD' stand for?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder


True or False?

PTSD is more prevalent among men than women.


The lifetime prevalence of PTSD for women ranges from 8-11%, and ranges from 4.1%-5.4% for men. (about 2x more common for women)


True or False?

The earlier in life an individual develops GAD, the more comorbidity and impairment they tend to have.



Describe 3 characteristics of Major Depressive Disorder 

- depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day 

- diminished interested or pleasure in activities

- weight loss or gain

- decrease or increase in appetite

- sleep disturbances

- psychomotor agitation or retardation

- fatigue or loss of energy 

- feelings of worthlessness/guilt

- difficulty concentrating 

- suicidal thoughts/feelings


What are delusions?

Beliefs that are not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence. Firm, Fixed, False.


What does 'ADHD' stand for?

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


Describe at least 3 symptoms/characteristics of PTSD.

- Exposure to a trauma (required)

- Intrusion symptoms (nightmares, recurrent distressing memories, flashbacks)

- Avoidance of thoughts or situations related to event

-Negative alterations in cognition/mood 

- Arousal/reactivity (reckless behavior, sleep disturbance, problems concentrating, exaggerated startle response, etc.) 


Who is most at risk of developing anxiety: 

A. Someone with a family history of anxiety 

B. Someone who is shy 

C. Someone who dropped out of high school 

D. Someone who is constantly in the spotlight 

A) Someone with a family history of anxiety


Describe 2 characteristics of a manic/hypomanic episode.

- Grandiosity (inflated self-esteem)

- More talkative than usual 

- Flight of ideas/racing thoughts 

- Increased goal-oriented behavior 

- Risky behavior 

- Less sleep needed

- Distractibility 


True or False?

Rates of comorbidity with substance-related disorders are low in schizophrenia. 


Over half of individuals with schizophrenia have tobacco use disorder or smoke cigarettes regularly. This reduces life expectancy because of commonly associated medical conditions. 

(weight gain, diabetes, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases are more common)


What are endorphins and what do they do?  

- Endorphins are neurotransmitters/natural hormones secreted in the brain, released when we do pleasurable activities (exercise, eating, hobbies, etc)

- They lower stress, improve mood, and can alleviate pain


 Name 2 ways in which exposure to trauma can occur.

- Direct experience to a traumatic event

- Witnessing a traumatic event

- Learning about a traumatic event that happened to a close family member or friend

- Experiencing repeated or extreme exposure to traumatic events 


Name 5 symptoms of a panic attack.

- Heart racing/pounding

- Sweating

-Feeling shortness of breath/choking sensation



-Dizziness/light headedness


- Fear of dying

-Chills/heat sensations

-Chest pain/discomfort

-Derealization (feelings of unreality)/depersonalization (feeling detached from self)


What is the difference between a manic episode and a hypomanic episode?

A hypomanic episode is less severe and has fewer symptoms than a manic episode. Manic episodes are longer in duration (at LEAST 7 days), whereas hypomanic episodes are at least 4 days.


Aside from hallucinations and delusions, name 1 other symptom/characteristic of schizophrenia/schizophrenia spectrum disorders.

- disorganized speech/thinking (derailment or incoherent speech)

- disorganized or catatonic (extremely stiff or extremely spastic) behavior 

- negative symptoms (lack of emotions, motivation, expressions, speech, interest in others)


Agoraphobia is the fear of what?

The fear of not being able to escape or get help if you have a panic attack or experience anxiety