Mental Health Symptoms
Coping Skills
Mental Health Statistics
Mental Health in the Media

This is a mental and physical reaction to perceived threats. In small doses it can be helpful. It can protect us from danger, and focus our attention on problems. However, when it is too severe, or occurs too frequently, it can be debilitating

What is anxiety?


This is a professional who you can talk with to discuss your feelings. They can help you process different emotions and situations in your life. Sessions may be in person or virtual. 

What is a therapist or counselor?


This age group has the highest rate of death by suicide. 


What are older adults?

90% of people who attempt/complete suicide have experienced symptoms of mental health issues.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline



This is characterized by a lack of social connection. This is a huge risk factor for poor mental and physical health. You can support those in your life by staying connected and promoting community engagement. 

What is isolation / loneliness? 


Consistent, high use of this has been shown to increase anxiety and other mental health challenges, particularly among youth. 

What is social media?


This is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Common symptoms include: loss of interest in enjoyable activities, change in appetite, sleep disturbances, loss of energy, thoughts of death and suicide

What is Depression?


This is a simple and very common technique that is excellent for managing emotions and calming anxiety. Not only is it effective, but is also discreet and easy to use at any time and any place. This technique activates the parasympathetic nervous system. 

What is deep breathing / belly breathing? 


1 in ____ US adults are living with a mental illness. 

What is 5?


Affirming an individual's experiences and emotions. When someone is struggling, they are often not looking for answers or solutions; instead this can provide comfort. 

What is validation? 


This solo female superstar, who rose to fame part of an all female group, has been open about her struggle with depression. 

Who is Beyonce?


These are brief but overwhelming. Symptoms often come on suddenly without warning. Common experiences include: fear that they are having a heart attack, breathing difficulties, sweating or they are dying

What are panic attacks?


This mindfulness technique involves taking time to note the things, people, and experiences you appreciate, that are meaningful to you, and bring you joy. This practice has been shown to boost mood and improve overall well-being. 

What is practicing gratitude?


This gender exhibits more mental health disorders.

Who are females?


This is a mind and body practice focused on interactions between the brain, mind, body, and behavior

What is Meditation?


He was the 16th president of the United States. He also experienced depression and anxiety attacks. 

Who is Abraham Lincoln? 


 This is the natural reaction to loss. This is carried with you throughout your life. 

What is grief?


The practice of putting thoughts and feelings into words on paper or voice recording allowing the person to think through challenges and express self.  It can even be turned into poetry or songs.

What is journaling?

Different from "venting", this is not usually on social media and is usually shared with only a very select few.


According to the NIH, ____% of older adults report engaging in high risk drinking. 

What is 65%?


This treatment usually involves efforts to change thinking patterns. 

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?


This is a 2000 comedy film stars Jim Carey. It is meant to depict an individual living with schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder; however, the films depiction is inaccurate and stigmatizing.  

What is "Me, Myself, and Irene"?


This is a a mental health condition that can develop after a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. 

What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?


This is a practice in which you focus on what is happening for you in that moment - what you are seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting, and hearing. It is about coming into the present moment. 

What is mindfulness or grounding?


The average time frame between when someone begins experiencing mental health symptoms and when they start seeking treatment. 

What is 11 years?


Individuals who have experienced trauma or are struggling with mental illness may use unhealthy coping skills or make choices we don't agree with. However, it is important to be _______ when supporting those in our lives. 

What is non-judgmental?


This female singer and actress shared her experiences with anxiety and depression in her documentary "My Mind and Me". 

Who is Selena Gomez?