Legal terms and Ethical Principles
Nursing Management of Mental Health Disorders
Nursing Judgement/Communication
SBAR/ Communication

The nurse provides care for all of the patients equally is an example of? 



Who is responsible for delegated tasks? 

The nurse delegating those tasks. 


What is grandiosity? 

Refers to the client's belief they have special abilities.


You are caring for a client who has fallen in the their room...what should the nurse do first?

Assessment (vital signs)


Which part of the SBAR is your client's history of asthma? 


Doing good or acting in the best interest of the client



What are the 5 rights of delegation? 

1. Right task

2. Right Circumstance

3. Right person

4. Right communication/direction

5. Right supervision/evaluation

When delegating you must ensure that the task is within that person's job description and scope of practice. 


Best food option for a client with acute mania?

1. Applesauce

2. Peanut butter crackers

3. Spaghetti

4. Ramen noodles 

2. Peanut butter crackers

Finger foods

High calorie, high protein

Because walking with our patient with mania is one of our therapeutic management techniques, that uses a lot of energy. 


What type of communication style is best with talking to patients? 

Therapeutic Communication 

We don't want to ask why and we want patients to explore their feelings when communicating with them about their lives. This is a key component to mental health nursing and improves the nurse client relationship. 


How does the nurse address two staff members discussing a patient's behaviors in a public space? 

Speak with the nurses privately. 


The term Nonmaleficence means? 

To do no harm
How does the nurse determine which client to see first? 

1. The client who is the most vocal about their needs

2. The client who's family keeps coming to the nurses station. 

3. The client who is the most unstable.

4. The client who is about to be discharged. 

3. The client who is the most unstable.

Respiratory distress, low glucose, hypotension, low urine output, signs and symptoms of hemorrhage, etc. 


When you have a client who is admitted for suicide what is the highest priority? 


1. Ask about their plan

2. See what they have been doing leading up to admission (giving away possessions, mood swings, are they impulsive?)

3. One to one observation 

4. Make sure they inform a staff member of their feelings if they plan to hurt themselves. 


As the nurse a client reports that their hearing aids are missing. What should the nurse do? 

Complete an incident report


During hand-off the surgical nurse reports that Dr. Hobbs performed a cholecystectomy on the patient this morning. Which part of the SBAR is this referring to? 



Respecting a patient's decision to refuse medications or to not have a planned procedure is an example of which ethical principle? 



Which of the following tasks is appropriate for the AP to complete? Select all that apply

1. Bathing a patient

2. Assessing a client's abdominal incision

3. Re-enforcing education provided by the nurse

4. Ambulating a client

5. Providing oral care

6. Obtaining vitals 

7. Checking a blood glucose (if properly trained) 

8. Measuring intake and output

9. Obtaining a patient's weight

1. Bathing a patient

4. Ambulating a client

5. Providing oral care

6. Obtaining vitals

7. Checking a blood glucose

8. Measuring intake and output

9. Obtaining a patient's weight 

And they can transport these specimens! 


Post discharge what is a major goal for someone with depression? 

Ability to independently complete ADLs 


Who does the LPN see first?

1. The patient who needs a dressing change

2. The patient who has the flu and is now requiring oxygen which is new for that client. 

3. The patient who requested medication for a sore throat.

4. The patient waiting on discharge vital signs.

The patient with the flu who is now requiring oxygen. 


When calling a physician the nurse states " I think the patient has too much fluid on and might benefit from some Lasix." What part of the SBAR is this? 



What is it called when a nurse has a reportable assessment finding that is found hours before it is reported? 



Which of the following specimens can the AP obtain/collect? 

1. ABG

2. Stool

3. Urine

4. Sputum

5. Wound Culture

6. Venous blood

7. COVID Swab

8. Cerebral Spinal Fluid

Stool, Urine, Sputum


These are signs and symptoms of what? 

Talking in rapid speech, spending large sums of money, talking with clang associations, interacting with others in a flirtatious way, pacing. 

Mania or manic behavior


What is considered to be one of the most influential part of a client's non-verbal communication? 

Their sociocultural background

What should the nurse do if when working their is a co-worker who appears to be chemically impaired? 

Notify the charge nurse first

Follow the chain of command.