Counseling Skills
Recovery and Stigma
MH in the workplace
Case Management/Multicultural Context/Health Literacy
ADLs,IADLs, Med Management
There are 3 purposes to Stage I Counseling skills. List 2.
Gather information, get to know one another, set ground rules. 
There are 10 components of recovery, please list at least 4. 
Self-direction, individualized and person-centered, empowerment, holistic, nonlinear, strengths-based, peer support, respect, responsibility, hope. 
Describe a reasonable accommodation: 

An employee is unable to make it through 8 hour work day and is noted to be more tired, irritable, and late with work. He often leaves early or arrives late. 

Schedule modifications
In the process of case management, what are the roles of a case manager? Describe at least 3 roles. 

assess client’s needs, link to appropriate resources, coordinate services, advocate for the client, monitor progress, provide supportive services

How is an ADL disability defined? 
Inability to perform at least one ADL for at least 3 months. 
Create a statement that uses Primary Accurate Empathy. 
You feel..(feeling)..because...(thoughts/behaviors)..
What are some factors of social relationships that can help and hinder recovery? Give 2 examples of each. 
Help: Peer support, support of loved ones, positive perspective

Hinder: Negativity, peer pressure, proximity to others with MH challenges. 

What is the purpose of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and what do they provide?  Describe 2 purposes and 2 things it provides

No cost,short term, and proactive

Provide Psychological counseling, financial management, child care, elder care, wellness programs

What are the three case management models discussed in this module?
Strengths, Brokerage, PACT
Why may a patient miss their meds? Give three reasons
Forgetting, lack of transportation, feel they don't need it, finances, can't mix with alcohol, lack of family/friend support. 
What does attending refer to? Please give two examples

Refers to the attentive physical presence the therapist focuses on the client.

Body language, posture, seating position, eye contact, facial expression. 

Name the module topic:

Describing that mental illness is no one's fault, it is common, and symptoms may vary and can be managed. 

Facts about Mental Health

List 3 characteristics of mental health friendly workplaces.

Welcomes all qualified job applicants , Health care with same urgency for mental as physical illness, Programs that promote and support employee health-wellness, Training to id worker distress and need for referral and evaluation, Confidentiality of employee health information, Provides Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Supports employees who seek treatment or require hospitalization and disability leave (including return-to-work), Ensures exit with dignity, Promotes accepting (anti-stigmatizing, anti-discriminating climate) 

What is the role of an OT as described by the PACT Model? Give at least 3 examples

Environmental assessment . Task analysis. ADL functioning. IADL functioning. Appropriate level of housing. Identifying meaningful occupations. Work as consultant as needed or part of team.

How could schizophrenia impact IADLs?
arly onset, no opportunity to learn the skills. 
What is important to remember when using the skill of self-disclosure? 
Scenario must be resolved, always follow with a question
Which topic refers to the knowledge of life stressors and strategies to manage them?
Coping with Stress

IT is reported that there can be a 20% loss in productivity within the workplace please give the reasons that can cause this...

Poor concentration, difficulty with memory and decision making, fatigue, lowered self-confidence

There are 6 Principles of Intervention in the Case Management Models. List three

Focus on strengths not deficits , look for natural supports in the community, Case manager-consumer relationship is primary, Helping processes are guided by the consumer’s self-determination, Care occurs in the community, People with severe and persistent Mental Illness continue to learn, grow, and change 

Give five examples of the common side effects of medications.

Drowsiness, Increased appetite, Extreme restlessness, Muscle stiffness, Dizziness, Blurry vision, Sun sensitivity, Decreased libido, Shakiness/Tremors, Dry mouth, Constipation

Create a statement using Advanced Accurate Empathy. 
Could it be that____

It seems likely that___

I could be wrong but___

Describe the Normalization theory and what it attempts to do. 
Labeling individuals can force them into deviant roles which influence behavior. This theory attempts to reduce the emphasis and promote engagement and participation in the larger community. 
There are 9 main benefits to a MH friendly workplace, please list 5 benefits. 

Higher productivity and motivation. Reduced absenteeism.  Health insurance cost containment.  Preparedness for disasters.  Loyalty and retention.  Hiring and promoting the most qualified people. More efficient workplace practices and policies. Better workplace relations. Diversity, acceptance, and respect in the workplace. 


What case management model is most appropriate:

A client with bipolar is seeking OT services to increase their support network. The client presents with insight into their deficits, strong motivation, and intact organizational skills

Brokerage Model
What client-specific considerations should be made with medication management? Elaborate. 
Occupational Profile: client's beliefs about medications, history of med compliance, knowledge about current meds, benefits/side effects.