How many steps are there in the Stages of Change?
What is the difference between protective and risk factors?
Protective factors help you get through tough times, and risk factors can be harmful.
Validation is when a person _____ someone's feelings.
(Starts with an "A")
Accepts or acknowledges
What are the 3 communication styles?
Passive, aggressive, and assertive
What are 3 physical symptoms of anxiety?
Racing heart, fidgeting, restlessness, stomach aches, headaches, nausea, teeth grinding, trouble falling asleep, etc.
What step comes after plan/prepare?
Having a supportive family, feeling understood, and living in a safe home are examples of what type of factor?
Protective factors
When there is no one in your life who validates you, what can you try?
Dominic always yells at his mom whenever he hears something he doesn't like, such as being told to do the dishes, getting lectured about his grades, or being asked to watch his little siblings. What kind of communication style does he have?
Name 3 different mental health conditions.
Depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, autism, etc.
Therapist decides whether the answer is correct!
What step comes after Action?
Jeremiah's mom has been feeling depressed for the past few years, but she has never talked to a doctor about her poor mental health. If she is living with undiagnosed depression, what kind of factor is that?
Risk Factor
You get a "C" on a test you spent all week studying for. You start to beat yourself by thinking things like, "Why can't you be as smart as your sister? Why didn't you study more? Why didn't you cheat?" Give an example of a statement you can use to validate yourself in this situation.
"It's going to be okay. I passed, and I will study more for the next one."
"I am worthy of love and care regardless of the grades I make."
"I did my best, and I didn't cheat. I can be proud of that."
Therapist decides whether the answer is correct!
Which communication style is the most effective for getting people to understand you?
What is resilience?
Someone's ability to bounce back after a difficult time.
Julie knows she has an anger management issue, and she wants to get better. She has been looking up local therapy options and support groups. She's identified her triggers and warning signs, and she made a list of family members that can help her stay accountable for her behaviors/actions. What stage of change is she in?
True or False: If someone has more risk factors than protective factors in their life, they are going to do poorly in life.
False. Having more risk factors means there's a higher chance someone might go down the wrong path in life, but it is not a guaranteed. You're in control of your life, not your situation or the things that have happened to you. :-)
Dulce is on the phone crying to her best friend because she just found out her parents are getting a divorce. Her best friend replies by saying, "But everybody's parents get divorced. Why are you so upset?" What is this an example of?
When someone is a people-pleaser, it means they want to make others happy even if it comes at the cost of their own happiness or health. What type of communication style is a people-pleaser most likely to have?
What is it called when someone is unsure if they need or want to change?
Hint: Happens between the first two stages and starts with an "A"
Name all six steps in the Stages of Change.
(1) Pre-contemplation
(2) Contemplation
(3) Plan/Prepare
(4) Action
(5) Maintenance
(6) Relapse
List 3 examples of protective and risk factors (6 total).
Protective: Support from family, trustworthy friends, counselor who listens to you, feeling like you belong, knowing you are not being judged by the person you trust.
Risk: Family members using drugs, abuse or neglect, locked up loved ones, loss of support network, peer pressure.
Therapist decides whether the answer is correct!
What is invalidation?
When someone misunderstands, minimizes, ignores, or makes fun of an experience you open up about.
Ben is currently on probation because he was caught smoking weed with his cousin. His cousin asks him if he wants to go smoke at the park. Ben feels pressured to go, but he promised his mom he would not break his probation conditions. How can Ben use assertive communication to tell his cousin what he wants (to say no), what he needs (not to smoke), and how he feels (pressured/anxious/bummed out)?
"Man, you know I love spending time with you, but if I get caught smoking on probation, I'm going to end up in juvi. I don't want to let my mom down, so I have to say no, and it would help me a lot if you stop inviting me to smoke. We can still hang out, I just can't smoke or have weed around me anymore."
Therapist decides if you got it right. :-)
You tell your older sister that you've been feeling sad because of your recent breakup. She snaps at you and says, "Why do you even care about that loser?" Give an example of responding to invalidation using assertive communication.
"I feel hurt when you get after me for expressing the way I feel. I know you are just trying to show you care, but it makes me feel like I can't open up to you."
Therapist decides whether the answer is correct!