Number of US Adults with Mental Illness
50 Million
Number of US Adults with Depression
21 Million
Number of US Adults with PTSD
12 million
Number of African Americans with Mental Illness
7 million (16%)
Number of adults with mental illness who did not receive any mental health treatment
27 million
The people who are entitled to what I tell a therapist at CPS
No one! Counseling is strictly confidential!
Percent of US Adults with Mental Illness
Percent of US Adults with Major Depression
Number of US Adults with Schizophrenia
1.5 million
Number of Latinx/Hispanic Americans with Mental Illness
10 Million (16%)
Number of adults with mental Illness who report they try and can't get treatment
12.2 million
The amount of money I will have to pay for a session at CPS
0$! CPS is free for all matriculated undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. No health insurance or payment is required.
Lifetime prevalence of any Anxiety Disorder
Number of Youth (aged 12-17) with Major Depression
3.7 Million
Percent of US Adults with Schizophrenia
Number of Asian Americans with Mental Illness
2.9 Million (15%)
Number of youth with depression who did not receive any mental health treatment
2.17 million
Some cultural or ethnic backgrounds that my therapist at CPS won't understand
None, all of our counselors are trained in and experienced with a multicultural approach to counseling and will with students to understand their unique family, cultural, and personal backgrounds and histories!
Number of US Adults with Anxiety Disorders
42.5 Million
Percent of Youth (aged 12-17) with Major Depression
Number of US Adults with Bipolar Disorder
3.3 Million
Group most likely to report mental illness in the past year
Number of US Adults with Mental Illness who are Uninsured
5.5 Million
Medications my therapist at CPS will try to put me on
None, medication is never required. Therapist provide students with space to talk, examine, and process their experiences.
Most common mental illnesses in America
Number of Youth with Severe Depression
2.5 Million
Percent of US adults experience bipolar disorder at some time in their lives
Number of Individuals who Identify as LGBTQIA+ with Mental Illness
5.8 Million (39%)
Ratio of individuals in a state to available mental health providers
504 to 1
Types of problems student's deal with that aren't "bad" enough to facilitate seeing a therapist
None, any problems, challenges or struggles can have significant academic and personal implications if not attended to. There are no problems that are "too small" or "not bad enough" for counseling