Myth or Fact: People who joke about suicide always do it for attention and wouldn't actually do it.
Myth! Those who joke about suicide may be serious.
What is a sign that someone might be depressed?
True or false: At some point suicide becomes inevitable and nothing will help that person.
False! There is always a chance for recovery and suicide is not inevitable for anybody.
Name two resources that can be used as a resource for something struggling with their mental health.
Hotline, Counselor, Doctor
myth or fact: asking a person about suicide might give them the idea or make them angry
What's a symptom of anxiety?
sweating, headaches, constant worrying, trouble sleeping, etc. (lots of acceptable answers here)
True or false: there are some treatments out there for mental health that work for everybody
False! Different things help different people.
What does ACT stand for?
Acknowledge care tell
Myth or fact: People with mental illnesses are more violent than those who do not have a mental illness.
myth: Studies show that most people with mental illnesses are not violent, and that most violent acts are not committed by people with mental illnesses
Name 3 situations in life that might negatively affect someone's mental health
death of a loved one, loss of a relationship, an unwanted move, etc.
Name three different things someone can do to get help for or benefit their mental health.
medication, coping skills like breathing, practicing gratitude, journaling, therapy, counseling, etc.
Name 4 mental health conditions/illnesses.
depression, anxiety, OCD, eating disorder, bipolar disorder, etc.
Myth or Fact: The majority of those who die by suicide have a mental illness
Myth! Studies show that from 1999-2016 only 46% of those who died by suicide had a mental illness.
What's an example of a warning sign that might not be noticeable to anybody else besides the person struggling?
physical pain, thinking about suicide, feeling hopeless, feeling worthless, etc.
Why might stigma make it hard for someone to get help for their mental health?
They might feel embarrassed or ashamed, don't want to be thought of as different
True or False: You are more likely to experience a mental health condition than you are heart disease, cancer, or diabetes
Myth or Fact: People often communicate that they are struggling or even thinking of suicide preceding an attempt.
Fact! They may not say it directly, but typically most people show at least one sign.
Name 5 signs a person might be suicidal
Talking about suicide, giving away prized possessions, self-harm, acting recklessly, hopelessness. (plus many more!)
What are two reasons mental health can be hard to treat?
Can be hard to pinpoint exactly what to do, different treatments work differently for different people, etc.
Suicide is the ____ leading cause of death for people aged 10-24.