Myth or Fact
Would you look at that!

Mental Health is defined as a constant feeling of contentment

Myth. Mental Health is defined as striking a balance in all aspects of your life (social, physical, spiritual, economical, mental). 


This disorder is a combination of a manic phase ( a sudden onset of excessive good mood), and a depressive phase (feelings of worthlessness and prolonged sadness).

Bi-polar disorder


True of False: admitting that something is wrong is giving up on yourself

False: Admitting you are having problems is often very hard to do, and asking for help is a sign of strength and willingness to work through what you are experiencing.  



Nature. Baby you were born this way!


What is a mental health disorder characterized by an all-encompassing low mood and loss of interest in activities?



Mental illness is common

Fact. Mental illness is very common. 1 in 3 will experience some form of mental illness sometime in their life. We all know someone affected by it. 


Name 3 symptoms of depression 

Feelings of despair, hopelessness, detached from life and those around you, fatigue, loss of energy and motivation, etc. 


Name 2 place/ people you can talk to if you are having a hard time or think you might have a mental health concern

Counselling service, help-lines, friend or family, teachers, doctor, etc.


Name one consequence of not getting enough sleep.

lack of concentration, being impatient, not motivated.


What is a period of intense fear or apprehension that is of sudden onset and relatively brief duration, and includes sweating tinging sensations, etc. 

Panic Attack


Children don't experience mental health

Myth, young children can begin experiencing mental health concerns. 


This disorder is characterized by depression and anxiety, as well as flashbacks. It is common among victims of crime and people in the military. 

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


True or False: medication is the only treatment method that works for mental health problems

False. Medication can be helpful, and is sometimes necessary depending on the severity of the concern, but other methods such as therapy and counselling can also be helpful. 


List 3 coping skills

Listening to music, going for a walk, journaling, talking to a friend, gardening, reading, etc.


Symptoms of the disorder include excessive washing or cleaning, repeated checking, extreme hoarding, aversion to particular numbers, etc. 

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Addiction is not a disease.

Myth. Addiction disrupts regions of the brain responsible for reward, motivation, learning, judgement, and memory. It damages not only the body, but individuals life as well. 


Sweating, nausea, trembling, numbness in legs and hands, dizziness, hyperventilation, feeling like you are going to have a heart attack. 

Panic attack/ anxiety attack


This type of treatment was also known as the "wandering womb" to women who experienced any mental illness what-so-ever ( from nervousness to not talking)

Hysteria therapy - women inhale foul smelling substances or "settle down to have babies"


When you take control of your thoughts and actions, you are" _____-______"



PTSD, panic, and OCD are all part of what category of disorders?



Mentioning the world suicide to a depressed person will "put the idea into their head" and increase their risk of suicide. 

Myth. Studies show that asking someone if they are suicidal may make them more inclined to seek help. 


Name 2 signs that a person could be suicidal

Direct threats, indirect threats, personality changes, withdrawn behaviour, hoarding medication, giving away possessions, lack of interest in hobbies and future plans, depression 


This technique was given to difficult-to-treat patients. It consisted of unsterile equipment, inserted through an eye socket, swirled around to "disable" the frontal lobe

Ice pick lobotomy (Egas Moniz received the Noble Prize in 1949 for this "success")


Having enough of this vitamin, which we can get from the sun, helps with overall mental health, mood, and maintain general health.

Vitamin D


Symptoms of this disorder include thoughts or experiences that are out of touch with reality, disorganized speech, or behavior, and decreased participation in activities. 
