
Carol has been eating very large portions: whole boxes of cereal, gallons of ice cream, and whole pizzas in one sitting. What disorder might she be suffering from?

Binge eating disorder


Marcia has been having worrying about school and the future and not been able to stop worrying. She has been having panic attacks at home and has been getting irritated easily, yelling at Carol and Mike for no reason. What mental health condition might she be dealing with?

Generalized anxiety disorder.

Mike has been feeling sad lately, having negative thoughts about himself, and losing interest in his activities such as architecture. What mental disorder might be dealing with?  

Depression, Major depression.


After a car accident, Carol has been having nightmares, yelling and jumping when she hears a car or other door slam, and has been avoiding riding in the car. What mental health disorder might she be suffering from?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Marcia for the last year has been having times where she is depressed and crying a lot, and then in a couple weeks, she will be really talkative and not sleeping? What mental health issues might she be dealing with?

Bipolar Disorder


After the family dog passed away, Mike has not been acting like himself. He has been crying often, saying he wishes he was with the dog instead, and not able to stop talking about the dog, and having dreams every night about him. What mental disorder what might he be suffering from?

Prolonged grief disorder

With Carol's binge eating disorder mentioned above, how would you help her?

Encourage her to see her doctor for medication, talk to a nutritionist


How would you help Marcia with her anxiety disorder?

encourage her to talk to a counselor, teach her grounding skills (box breathing, muscle relaxation exercises.)


How would you help Mike with his depression?

Encourage him to talk to a counselor, teach coping skills(journalling, gratitude practice, positive self statements.)


How would you help Carol with her PTSD after the car accident? 

Encourage her to talk to a therapist, teach her coping skills like box breathing.


How would you help Marcia with her Bipolar disorder?

Encourage her to talk to a medication manager


How would you help Mike with his prolonged grief?

Encourage him to talk to a counselor, write a letter to the dog, talk to the family, do a grief completion sheet.


True or false: Carol will always have PTSD

False, PTSD symptoms can be alleviated. Sometimes chronic PTSD can happen after  many traumatic events.


True or false, Marcia will always have Bipolar disorder.

True, bipolar disorder cannot be cured but the symptoms can be managed.

True or False: Mike will always grieve over the dog 

True, he will always miss the dog, however it may become easier for him to not think about the dog, though some days may be harder than others.