Mental Health Facts
Positive Mental Health
Child/Adolescent Mental Health
Coping skills/self care

This daytime talk show host and voice of an animated forgetful fish has opened up about her struggles with depression

Ellen DeGeneres 


Having enough of this vitamin, which we can get from the sun, helps you maintain bone strength, fight diseases and cancer, lose weight, and stay happy.

Vitamin D


True or False: medication is the only treatment method that works for mental health problems.

False: medication can be helpful, but therapy and counseling are also effective forms of overcoming mental illness.


Name 3 thing that may be stressful to a teen. 

What is ? (Many answers)


The word that refers to physical activity and moving your body...

Exercise- Bonus- tell me three physical activities that can help with stress 


This Olympic swimmer was diagnosed with ADHD at age 9 which made it hard for him to concentrate in school

Who is Michael Phelps?

In 2018, Phelps revealed that he struggled with ADHD and depression and now works as a mental health advocate.


True or False: No thought or feeling is wrong itself, it is what we do with it is what really counts?

True. Extra 5 points- A team member explain what this means.


Expressing good things from your day is a coping strategy known as




A person who is physically sick goes to see a doctor, a person who is mentally sick goes to see a ____?



This is something you do where you think deeply or focus your mind for a period of time, typically in silence.



The classical composer Beethoven was diagnosed with a serious case of this disorder characterized by periods of extreme highs and extreme lows. He never took medication for it.

Bipolar disorder


True or False: All stress is out of your control?  



Name 3 things you can do to help a friend who thinks they may have a mental health problem.

Listen to them, spend time with them, encourage them to seek help, help them make appointments/go with them. If it is serious then tell someone else


Name a major symptom of anxiety that can disrupt your daily routine

What is worrying? Extra 5 points- Name a realistic skills that can decrease worrying


Name one consequence of not getting enough sleep

What is lack of concentration, being impatient, not motivated, feeling tired, obesity, depression, impairment in immunity


This female musician and superstar has struggled with depression. 



What chemical is released in our brains when we exercise, a positive activity, meditating, etc. ? 



T or F: There are positive and negative stressors.

True. Extra 5 points: Name a positive and negative stressor


This is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way  you think and how you act.

Depression. Extra 5 points- Name 2 skills that can help with depressive emotions. 


What would help a patient that is having a panic attack?

Relaxation techniques

Deep breathing


Talking it out


This president of the United States suffered from depression and anxiety attacks.

Abraham Lincoln


Depression is common in this color of eyes

brown or dark-eyed people were significantly more depressed than those with blue eyes. The reason that eye color may make some people more susceptible to depression or mood changes might be because of the amount of light an individual's eyes can process

theconversxation.com talk about SAD


What are things you can do if you notice a friend who needs help but isn't asking for it?

Be a friend, talk with them, tell a family or be open about your own struggles, provide resources, call a hotline Illinois Warm Line at 866-359-7953 or 24-hour National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at: 988


Name 3 reason why people hesitate to get help

hey don't want to "burden anyone else with their problems", it is hard to talk about, it makes them feel vulnerable, fear of being judged, stigma, don't know who to tell, don't think the problem is "serious enough", asking for help is "giving up", no resources available Facts: Your friends (and your don) will feel worse if you don't come talk to them if you need help/ need to talk. They are your friends (and your don) for a reason, and they don't want you to feel bad! don't be afraid to talk about it!


Extra Points- Which city and state in 2023 was declared the happiest city to live in?

Plano, TX