Mental Health Disorders
Depression / Attention
Anxiety Disorders
Eating Disorders

This disorder is characterized by cycles of an intense manic episode followed by a debilitatingly low episode (depression). While feeling manic, a person will become intensely irritated or uncomfortably euphoric, take irrational risks, overspend their money, and go days without sleep. During the depression period, the person will sleep many hours, dissociate, and feel heavy emotions.

What is bipolar disorder?


This diagnosis is not just sadness, but is ongoing disease with seasons of normal thought followed by times of debilitating depressed mood, disconnectedness, poor concentration, poor sleep, thoughts of self-harm.

What is Major Depression?


This disorder is related to anxiety; a person experiences unwanted, intrusive, irrational thoughts that become obsessions and has compulsions (needs for repetitive rituals).

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?


An obsession with food that can be a life-threatening self-harm behavior

What is an eating disorder?


This is the loss of memory, attention, language, and problem-solving in an otherwise healthy individual, which usually happens with old age. The person becomes increasingly forgetful and less able to care for themself or express emotion.

What is dementia?


This mental illness is a breakdown in normal though where a person will have delusions (ideas that are not true), and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that other people do not)

What is Schizophrenia?


This form of depression is caused by a lack of sunlight and typically occurs during winter months

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?


This disorder is the unexplainable terrified response to normal situations.

What is Panic Disorder?


A state of nearly constant fasting.

What is Anorexia Nervosa?


This disease is diagnosed when a person has dementia at a younger age.

What is Alzheimer's Disease?


A delusion that a person has when they do not believe they are mentally ill, but their behaviors which clearly show otherwise are justified by the person. Their disease tells them they do not have a disease.

What is Anosognosia?


This form of depression is less intense than Major Depression, but is longer lasting, and with this a person can often function in daily life but has lost interest and is not productive, struggling with a critical complaining mood 

What is Dysthymia?


This disorder is the persistent reliving of past trauma with all the attached emotions. Soldiers often experience this and require treatment after coming back from war.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


Irrational eating followed by purging the eaten food by self-induced vomiting.

What is Bulimia?


This personality disorder is marked by impulsive and unpredictable mood and behavior that damages personal relationships, especially with friends and family members. The person can be moody, unreasonable, and may overspend, drive recklessly, binge eat, and other irrational and irritating behaviors.

What is Borderline Personality Disorder?


A diagnosis for a person who seems distant, may have speech delays, struggles to make eye contact and with social interaction. This diagnosis falls on a spectrum with a large variation from mild to moderate to severe.

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?


A diagnosis for a person who is a daydreamer sitting quietly who may appear listening but struggles immensely to pay attention to what is actually being said.

What is ADD (Attention-Deficit-Disorder)?


Debilitating fears of objects or situations that would not normally produce fear.

What are phobias?


An extreme avoidance of any food considered to be unhealthy to the point where if the available food doesn’t measure up, the individual doesn’t eat at all and suffers from malnutrition

What is Orthorexia Nervosa?


Repeated acts of self-injury, including cutting, burning or scratching one’s own skin, pulling out one’s hair or banging head repeatedly in order to temporarily relieve intense feelings or to express self-loathing.

What are Self-Harm Behaviors


A diagnosis for a person who is not only distracted but also hyperactive, constantly in motion and unable to sit still.

What is ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity-Disorder)?


A medical condition in which a person loses the ability to care for daily needs and cannot cope with life’s ordinary demands. Thoughts become disruptive and feelings, moods, and behaviors stand between the person and his ability to function.

What is Mental Illness?