Stress Reduction/Emotion Regulation
Understanding thinking patterns
Distress Tolerance/Anger
Health Relationships and Boundaries

Individuals, families and communities’ promoting and maintaining their own health, preventing disease, and coping with illness and disability, with or without the support of a health worker.

(World Health Organization)

What is Self-Care


True or False: All stress is bad. 

No. Stress is only bad when it stunts our motivation. Some stress can motivate us and push us to make positive change or complete tasks. 


What are irrational thoughts that influence how you see the world, how you feel, and how you act. 

What are cognitive distortions


what is the difference between anger and aggression?

  • Anger- A feeling or emotion that ranges from mild irritation to intense fury and rage

  • Aggression- behavior that is intended to cause harm or injury to another person or damage to property


definition: limits that you set around yourself to protect your "self" and others. 

what are boundaries


True or False: Self-care is a luxury not a necessity. 

What is FALSE


What is: a person’s ability to effectively manage and respond to an emotional experience.  

What is emotion regulation

Exploring the reality and facts of the situation rather than letting self be carried away by thoughts of “what if…”  is an example of what cognitive restructuring tool?

what is decatastrophizing 

True or False: The way you express anger cannot be changed.



What type of boundary would include the space you provide someone when interacting with someone?

what is a physical boundary

Where is 95% of Serotonin located in the body?

What is the gut


List 3 formal relaxation strategies

what is Deep breathing, Mindfulness, Meditation, Progressive muscle relaxation, Visualization and imagery


You make a mistake at work and think "I never do anything right". what type of cognitive distortion is this? 

What is overgeneralization


Provide 3 examples of how to self sooth with the senses.

vision: look at pictures or a relaxing scene, read a book etc. 

Sound: music, nature sounds etc. 

touch: fidgets, stress balls etc.

taste: hard candy, gum, etc. 

smell: essential oils, candles, lotions etc. 


True or False: Boundaries can be Flexible 

True. Some of our boundaries are more flexible and we can be willing to compromise. Not all of our boundaries need to be flexible. 


Name two ways to engage in emotional self care.

Most answers are appropriate. Examples: journaling, talking to a therapist, engaging in hobbies/positive activities, engaging social supports, utilizing healthy coping skills, positive self-talk. 


Describe the emotion regulation skill Opposite Action

Identifying your action urge (behavior you wish to engage in) and then acting the opposite of this urge all the way. 


Describe the cognitive triangle

a situation triggers a thought, thought causes a feeling and feeling drives a behavior which leads back to a thought. 


Describe radical acceptance

Fully accepting something that is out of your control so that it no longer holds power over you. 

Provide one example of how to communicate a boundary.

ex: “I’m not comfortable with this” , “Please don’t do that” , “I can’t do that for you”, “This doesn’t work for me”, “I’ve decided not to” , “This is not acceptable”, “I’m drawing the line at ___”, “I don’t want to do that” 


Name all 8 dimensions of wellness

What is: physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, financial, occupational and environmental 


What are the 4 "A's" for dealing with stressful situations?

What is Avoid, Alter, Adapt, Accept

Provide one positive reframe for the negative automatic thought "My friend did not answer my call, they much not like me anymore"

example "My friend must be busy, we had a great time last week. I will call again tomorrow"


what does the distress tolerance skill IMPROVE stand for?

imagery, meaning, prayer, relaxation, one thing in the moment, vacation, encouragement


What type of boundary is one that you are unwilling to compromise on.

what is a rigid boundary