Mental&Emotional health
Shifting to Positive thinking
Managing ur stress in life
Health&Wellness skills
Resolving Conflicts

Does your environment help with mental health?

Youre environment has a large impact on mental and emotional health as well as relationships and culture and community.


What does it mean to be "happy?"

A variety of positive emotions, such as joy, pride, contentment and gratitude.

Should you express your feelings?

Holding in emotions can cause extreme negative thoughts and can cause you to not be able to talk about how you feel.


Does lack of sleep effect ur mental health?

Lack of sleep is a risk of poor health, it can increase someones anxiety and depression if they are sleep deprived.


What causes conflicts?

Disagreements on certain topics or opinions, Different goals, Different needs, Misunderstandings on topics or occasions.


Can social media effect somebodys health?

Media messages can make you feel good about yourself and improve self esteem, but social media also can give a negative impact by what lies are told by influencers and the attractive standard for others.

Is your mindset important?

A mindset or thought pattern or attitude can influence happiness in fundamental ways, your mindset effects how you cope with negative conflicts and how you interpertate conflict.


Can using humor or distractions help?

Distractions can be very helpful for the human mind, going on walks or coloring or reading a book/watching a movie/listening to music.


What is Health & Wellness resolved around?

Health & Wellness wraps around your physical health, being sick, Social interactions, Mental health.


What is a conflict?

A event (usually arguments) that can change ur whole mood whether its for the whole day or for a few minutes, can be negative and positive.


Does Genetics have anything to do with your health?

Genetics can make it easier for others to find happiness, but it can also have a higher risk of depression and suicide or disabilities.


What are the benefits of being positive and happy?

Reduced health conditions, Lowers levels of stress and anxiety, Better health habits, Longer life, Better mental and emotional health.


Is managing stress important for the wellbeing?

Managing your stress can help reduce stress and anxiety and can also help get stuff off your chest.


Does what you eat matter?

Lack of nutrients can influence ur physical activity and health, Diets lead to high in calories, salt, and fat can lead to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer, and obesity.


Is Conflict always negative?

Not necessarily, conflict can go boths ways, and can also have a positive AND negative outcome afterwards.


Can listening to others and yourself help?

Getting advice from people who you trust can help you determine what your interests and talents are, aswell as asking others what your strengths are can help how you think.


Does genetics have anything to do with mental well-being?

Half of a persons happiness is caused by genetics, some people have a head start at being happy and finding happiness.


Can managing your time help with coping or making it easier to resolve stress?

Managing your time can help reduce your stress, Procrastination doesn't help reduce stress but it only postpones it.


Is Alot of sexual activity okay for a teen?

Sexual activity can lead to unhealthy relationships, broken trusts, negative feelings, regret. Sexual activity also has high risks of pregnancy and STD's and STIs


What are things you can do to calm down during or after a conflict?

Doing Meditation can help calm your body down, taking deep breathes will calm your mind and help you focus on what you need to focus on.

Is self esteem important?

Self esteem has a major impact on different aspects of your life, it effects how you do in school, how easily you can make friends, how you manage stress and disappointments, having healthy self esteem with drive you to care for yourself and others.


What is the purpose of a stable mindset?

A persons sense of purpose in a stable mindset is to create passion or desires to be helpful, People who feel like their lives are good, meaningful and worthwhile experience the highest levels of happiness.


Should you be mindful when stressed?

Being mindful helps concentrate on what's happening, paying attention and keeping your mind focused can help avoid ongoing worries and concerns.


Is Alcohol, drug use, and tobacco healthy to cope with?

Misuising or abusing medications and using tobacco, alcohol or drugs can cause serious health conditions that will effect your lifetime. Smoking can raise your blood pressure and harden your arteries and increase your chances for heart attacks and strokes.


What should you do to resolve a conflict?

Listening to other perspectives and what they have to say, Decide what the main cause of the conflict is, Speak up about how you feel.