Let's go to the movies
It's my jam!!!

You can have one of these for each of the 5 senses

What are Hallucinations?


These are symptoms of anxiety

What is feeling nervous, faster heartbeat, or feeling overwhelmed

The main symptom of bipolar disorder. You're feeling good, and now you're feeling really bad, sometimes out of nowhere

What are mood swings?


The Genie in Disney's "Aladdin," and famous for roles in "Mrs Doubtfire," "Good Morning Vietnam" and other movies, their death has raised mental health awareness. 

Who is Robbin Williams?


Famous for songs like "Poker face" and "Bad Romance," this individual is known for their interesting outfits. Such as a meat suit to the Oscars

Who is Lady Gaga?


A strongly held belief, despite all evidence to the contrary

What is a delusion


These are a symptom of some forms of anxiety, and are characterized with rapid heart rate, rapid, shallow breathing, and an overwhelming sense of fear

What are panic attacks?


These are characterized by high energy, euphoria or irritability, and dangerously reckless behavior

What are manic episodes?


A former wrestler, they are now a big action star famous for movies like "The Scorpion King," "Moana," and the "Fast and the Furious" movies

Who is Dwayne Johnson?

Famous for hits like "Oops, I did it again" and "Toxic," this former Disney star was recently checked into a mental health clinic

Who is Britney Spears?


Someone is talking, but what they are saying does not make any sense

What is confused thinking?


These can trigger anxiety in some people, but are still used to self medicate

What are substances?


These are characterized by low energy, bleak mood, and sometimes suicidal thoughts

What are depressive episodes


Probably most famous for their role as Princess Leia in "Star Wars," they were open about their struggles with Bipolar disorder

Who is Carrie Fischer?


Famous for hits like "Hello," "Rolling in the Deep," and "Water Under the Bridge," this artist is a advocate for mental health awareness

Who is Adele?


This presents as someone really not wanting to be around other people, not wanting to do anything (even if it's fun), and having a hard time taking care of yourself

What are negative symptoms?


These are forms of anxiety disorders, and are characterized by overwhelming fear to something specific (e.g. heights, clowns, etc.)

What are phobias?


These symptoms are very similar to what you see with Schizophrenia, such as fixed false beliefs or perceiving things that are not there

What are psychotic symptoms?


Not a movie star per se, but she has written the books that became popular movies about a young wizard, his friends, and a magical school

Who is JK Rowling


Famous for songs like "Heart Shaped Box," "Lithium," and "Smells like Teenage Spirit," this individual was the front person for Nirvana

Who is Kurt Cobain?


The major symptoms of Schizophrenia are grouped into these two categories. One explanation is that one group of symptoms is the adding of something, the other is the loss of something

What are positive and negative symptoms?

This is a form of anxiety disorder characterized by compulsions to perform rituals, and strong reactions to not being able to perform them correctly

What is OCD?


The goal of treatment is to get the individual to stay in this state as much as possible. Bonus points if you remember the fancy name

"Normal mood" or Euthymic mood


Currently more famous for producing and directing movies like "Apocalyptica," this person got their start acting in movies like "Braveheart" and "The Patriot." They are also open about having Bipolar Disorder

Who is Mel Gibson?


Famous for hits like "Purple Haze" and being able to play the Star Spangled Banner on electric guitar, this icon from the 60's is still regarded as one of the best guitar players ever

Who was Jimmi Hendrix?