True or False?
1 in 10 Americans live with a mental health condition.
False, 1 in 4 Americans live with a mental health condition.
What mental health condition is characterized by feelings of hopelessness, guilt, irritability, and loss of interest in hobbies or activities?
What does "stigma" mean?
The negative or discriminatory attitudes that others have about mental health conditions or addiction.
True or False?
Asking someone if they have suicidal thoughts will make them want to do it more or put the idea in their head.
False. Evidence shows that asking someone about suicidal thoughts does NOT increase the chance of them acting on it.. it actually decreases the chance because it opens up communication.
How many U.S. adolescents (aged 12-17) had serious thoughts of suicide in 2020?
1/2 million, 1 million, 3 million, or 5 million?
3 million.
What is the most common mental health condition in high school students? What are 3 signs and symptoms people with this condition often experience?
Anxiety. When feelings of intense fear and distress become overwhelming and prevent us from doing everyday activities.
Common anxiety signs and symptoms include:
True or False: Alcohol addiction isn't as bad as drug addiction.
True or False: Mental health conditions are curable with the right treatment.
False. Alcohol addiction is just as dangerous as any other substance. Along with benzodiazepines, it is the only other substance people can die from withdrawal.
False. Mental health conditions and addiction is a lifelong process. They cannot be cured. However, both are manageable with the right treatment to help each person affected live a long, healthy, successful life! (much like a number of other physical health conditions)
True or False?
If someone tells you they have been thinking about hurting/killing themselves but beg you not to tell anyone, you should honor their wishes.
False. You should never promise that you will not tell anyone they are suicidal. Thoughts of committing suicide should never be kept a secret. Always tell someone whether it is a professional or a family member about the thoughts and actions your friend has been talking about.
Suicide is the (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th) leading cause of death for people ages 10-34.
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for people ages 10-34.
Describe 3 things someone with an addiction, also known as Substance Use Disorder, might experience.
What percentage of people with mental health issues won't seek help due to stigma surrounding mental health?
10%, 25%, 60%, 80%
Name 3 ways someone can manage their mental health condition or addiction.
Therapy/counseling, medications, hospitalization, support groups, use positive coping skills.
How many different mental health disorders are there?
Over 20, over 50, over 100, over 200
Over 200.
Describe Bipolar Disorder as well as 2 things someone with Bipolar Disorder might experience.
Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes dramatic shifts in a person’s mood, energy and ability to think clearly. People with bipolar experience high and low moods—known as mania and depression—which differ from the typical ups-and-downs most people experience. During periods of mania, people frequently behave impulsively, make reckless decisions and take unusual risks.
Name 3 reasons why people hesitate to seek help for mental health or addiction?
Stigma, unsure if they need it, nervous to get treatment, distrust, fear of being judged by others, shame/embarrassment, believe they “should be able to handle things” on their own without assistance and that they must be weak or inferior to have to ask for help, not knowing how to find/get help, inability to pay for treatment, conflict with work/school, hopelessness "nothing will help me" or "I'll never get better".
List 3 warning signs that someone might be thinking about suicide.
being sad/moody, isolating from others, not enjoying activities they used to, changes in personality/appearance/sleep pattern, showing dangerous or self-harmful behavior, experiencing recent trauma or life crisis (loss of loved one or pet, break-up, diagnosis of major illness, etc.), feeling hopeless/no reason to live, making preparations (giving away personal possessions, making a will, searching online for ways to die, writing a suicide note, etc.), directly threatening suicide.
The average delay between mental health symptom onset and getting treatment is ____ years.
1, 3, 5, 11
The average delay between mental health symptom onset and getting treatment is 11 years.
Describe Schizophrenia and describe 2 things someone with Schizophrenia might experience.
Hallucinations, delusions, psychosis, emotionally flat, bizarre behavior.
What are 3 ways you can reduce stigma?
What are 3 ways you can help prevent someone from attempting suicide?
Recognize the signs/symptoms for suicide, provide support to the person/talk to them/listen to them, ask the person directly if they have been thinking about hurting themselves, tell someone to get them help!