Anger/Substance Use
True/ False
Anxiety/ Panic Attacks
Mental Health Facts

What are some anger warning signs in our body?

Red face

Fists clenching

Chest tightening

Voice raising


True/ False. Talking about our feelings is a sign of weakness.

False, talking about how we feel is a sign of strength. It's in talking about our feelings and emotions that we gain power of them and begin healing- knowing we don't have to fight our battles alone.


Which of the following is not a form of anxiety?

A) Phobia of Spiders

B) Panic Disorder

C) Depression

D) Social Phobia 

C) Depression


If you don't take care of your mental health (hint, hint, there might be 2 answers).. 

A) It just goes away!

B) It can get worse

C) It can affect your family/ friends

D) It will make you have a fever

B and C!

B) It can get worse

C) It can affect your family/ friends


T/F Depression and Sadness are the same thing.

False! Depression is much more than just sadness. 


When you're angry of the following what ARE good coping skills..

A) Taking deep breaths

B) Going for a walk

C) Yelling

D) Breaking things

A & B

Taking deep breaths can help our body to calm down and become relaxed to eventually verbalize how we are feeling.

Going for a walk helps us to get away from the triggering situation, clear our head, and be able to eventually calmly talk about the situation. 


True/ False: If we avoid things that make us anxious, our anxiety gets better.

FALSE! Avoidance of things that make us anxious only leads to temporary relief, but will leave our anxiety to becoming worse in the long run.


What is a good coping skill to use if you feel like you're having a panic attack (palms sweating, difficulty breathing, dizziness)? 

Breathing Skills

Taking A Walk

Phoning a Friend/ Talking to Someone

Using a Grounding Tool


Mental health is 'caused by' (2 answers might be correct):

A) Genetics (Runs in the family)

B) Bad Behavior

C) Our Environment (School, Friends, Stress)

D) Our Habits

A and C!

A) Genetics (Runs in the family)


C) Our Environment (School, Friends, Stress)


Which of the following has been found to significantly help depression (the most)? 

A) Playing Board Games

B) Boxing

C) Eating Carrots

D) Physical Exercise

D) Physical Exercise


True/ False 

Alcohol and drugs can cause brain functioning problems or health problems down the line.

True! Alcohol and drugs stop your brain from properly developing the way it's supposed to! The human brain is not fully developed until age 25, so any substances you use prior to this could cause damage.

Alcohol and other substance can cause heart, lung and other health problems later in life.


T/F Mental health symptoms are often times confused with physical conditions which leads people to go to the doctor or emergency room opposed to a psychiatrist or therapist.

True! Anxiety often presents as heart racing, excessive sweating and sleep difficulties which could lead someone to believe they're having a health issue, not experiencing a mental health condition. People often times believe their body is having a physical problems, opposed to an anxiety or depressive episode. 


What Symptoms Best Describes Generalized Anxiety?

A) Anger, back pain, panic.

B) Uncontrollable worry, nervousness, sleep problems, muscle tension, avoiding fears, increased heart rate.

C) Sadness, feeling alone, isolating.

D) Not wanting to see friends, fear of crowded areas.

B) Uncontrollable worry, nervousness, sleep problems, muscle tension, avoiding fears and increased heart rate best describes generalized anxiety.

Generalized anxiety is a mental and physical reaction to perceived threats.


_____% of teens / pre teens (10-19 years old) experiences a mental health disorder world wide (as of 2021).

A) 2%

B) 7%

C) 14%

D) 18%

C) 14% 

Globally, one in seven 10-19-year-olds experiences a mental disorder, accounting for 14% of the adolescent population world wide. 


What Symptoms Best Describes Depression?

A) Hearing things that aren't actually there, feeling troubled/ sad, feeling like your legs hurt.

B) Feeling nervous all of the time, your heart racing fast, sweaty palms.

C) Feeling sad, guilty or worthless, feeling tired all of the time, having trouble focusing, not wanting to do fun things, not liking yourself, not wanting to be around other people.

D) Feeling like you don't fit in, being bad at tests, and getting in trouble w/ your parents.

C) Feeling sad, guilty or worthless, feeling tired all of the time, having trouble focusing, not wanting to do fun things, not liking yourself, not wanting to be around other people.


How many deaths a year does drunk driving cause in the USA?.. 

A) 5,000


C) 60,000


B) 10,000 +

Drunk driving causes more than 10,000 deaths every year, about 1/3 of all traffic-related deaths


True/ False. Trauma can only be diagnosed in a war veteran. 

False! Trauma can be diagnosed with someone whose experienced mental, physical, sexual or emotional abuse along with other symptoms/ situations, NOT just as a diagnosis based on having experienced combat.


What are some anxiety treatment options?


Relaxation Skills



T/F Girls are more likely to experience mental health than boys.

False! Boys are actual more likely to experience mental health concerns but LESS likely to get help.


Which of the following is a good coping skill for depression (2 answers are correct)?

A) Challenging our negative thinking

B) Taking deep breaths

C) Arguing with our parents

D) Calling a friend

A and D! 

A) Challenging our negative thinking 


D) Calling a friend


True or False!

Drinking alcohol or using other substances improves mental health.

FALSE! The initial effects might feel 'good' or make you feel like you 'fit into the cool crowd'. However, drinking alcohol or using illicit substances actually worsens depression and anxiety and doesn't allow for your anti-depressants to do their job properly. 


True/ False. Mental health is considered a disease.

True! Just like heart disease or a common cold mental health is considered a medical condition and a disease. There are symptoms and treatments just like a physical illness.


T/F If you are feeling irritable, fear being judged and easily tired a lot, you might be feeling anxious.

True! These are all symptoms of anxiety and how being anxious can manifest for a lot of people (especially young adults).


Most people do not get treatment for their mental illnesses because they feel embarrassed or alone.. what are some of the primary mental health conditions teenagers might struggle with? (3 of 5 = correct)..


Anxiety (Social, General or Panic Attacks) 

Eating Disorders

Bipolar Disorder 



How could you correct this sentence to make it true...

Antidepressant medications only need to be taken 1 time in order to work, and they cure depression.

Antidepressants need to be taken every day for at least 3-5 weeks in order to show effectiveness in helping our mood.

Antidepressants help chemical depression in our brain however, do not CURE depression- coping skills, talk-therapy are integral parts of mental health recovery.