Positive Mental Health
Experiences with Mental Health
Getting Help
Random Animal Facts
Where does Melissa work?
Deschutes County Health Department
OCD stands for this.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Admitting that something is wrong is giving up on yourself.
FALSE. Admitting you are having a tough time is often very hard to do, and asking for help is a sign of strength and willingness to work through what you are going through.
People who have a mental health condition are generally not violent and dangerous. True or False?
TRUE. People who have a mental health condition are generally not more violent than the rest of the population.
Dogs' nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints and can be used to identify them. True or False?
People have no control over how they will react to stress. True or False?
FALSE. Even though sometimes we can't control having stress in our lives, it can be possible to have control over how we react to it. People who imagine or visualize themselves handling their challenges or stresses in a positive way, with an image of themselves having some control, are able to bounce back more easily after difficult times.
Once a person has a mental health condition, they will never get better. True or False?
FALSE. Studies show that most people who have mental health conditions get better, and many recover completely.
A person needs to know exactly what they're going to say and how they're going to say it before talking to a counselor. True or False?
FALSE. Counselors are there to listen to whatever is troubling someone, it's ok for a person to open up at their own pace (even if that's really slow).
This is the most common reason teens do not reach out for help when experiencing a mental health condition.
Stigma and embarrassment.
Where on a cow's body are the sweat glands located?
On the nose.
All stress is bad. True or False?
FALSE. Stress is a common feeling that comes from a physiological reaction your body has to certain events. It is the body’s way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, and heightened alertness. Even though stress can be a positive thing - like motivating us to make positive changes in our lives or giving us that “extra push” for a test, sometimes we have too much stress and begin to feel that our lives are out of balance. When this happens managing stress could become a challenge.
Experiencing a mental health condition during your teen years is rare. True or False?
FALSE. 1 in 5 teens (20%) will experience a mental health condition.
Treatment for all mental health conditions is the same. True or False?
FALSE. The treatment for different mental health conditions will vary depending on many factors. Doctors and counselors can help people talk about all of their options for treatment.
This is the way many people learn about what mental health conditions are and how people who experience them act.
The media (movies, TV, newspapers, etc.)
What animal eats with its head upside down? HINT: this animal is an unusual color...
A flamingo.
Mental health challenges are the same as mental health conditions. True or False?
FALSE. Mental health challenges refer to the more common struggles and adjustments that affect everybody from time to time. These problems can happen when people are going through difficult times in life, such as a relationship ending, or the death of someone close.
What is something a person could do to help a friend who they are worried might hurt themselves?
Talk to a trusted adult, call a crisis hotline, etc.
A friend’s opinions don’t affect a person’s recovery process. True or False?
FALSE. Research on recovery shows that the presence of people who believe in and stand by the person who is in recovery is important.
Spending time with people who have mental health conditions tends to reduce negative stereotypes. True or False?
TRUE. Research shows that negative perceptions about severe mental health conditions can be changed through direct contact with people living with mental health conditions.
An octopus has this many hearts.
Name two things that can help promote positive mental health.
Exercise, positive relationship(s) with trusted adult(s), positive and supportive friendships, expressing yourself (music, sewing, writing, talking, dancing, etc.), eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep
Name three examples of mental health conditions.
Anxiety disorders (phobias, OCD, PTSD, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder), mood disorders (depression, bi-polar disorder), eating disorders, schizophrenia, etc.
Name two resources (websites, phone numbers, professionals) a person could use if they or someone they know is having a tough time and/or thinks they might need help.
www.reachout.com, www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255), Deschutes County Behavioral Health (541) 322-7500, OSU-Cascades free counseling clinic in Bend and La Pine (541) 322-2047 or e-mail cascades.counselingclinic@osucascades.edu (provided by counseling students in training and serving ages 14 years and older), FOR EMERGENCIES: 911, Deschutes County Crisis Line (541) 322-7500
Mental health conditions are accurately portrayed in the media (movies, TV, music, etc.). True or False?
FALSE. A Canadian Mental Health Association study found that most media representations of mental illness were negative, promoting stigma and stereotypes.
Dolphins sleep with only one half of the brain at a time, and with one eye closed. True or False?