Used to treat symptoms of psychosis, such as delusions and hallucinations
Antipsychotic Drugs
Acute dystonia, pseudo parkinsonism, akathisia
Extrapyramidal symptoms
The client displaces onto the therapist attitudes and feelings that the client originally experienced in other relationships
Diagnoses mental disorders and prescribes medical treatment
Rapid assessment, stabilization of symptoms, discharge planning
Inpatient hospital setting
Used in the treatment of major depressive disorders and anxiety disorders
rigidity, high fever, unstable blood pressure, diaphoresis, pallor, delirium
Neuroleptic Malignant syndrome
Overachievement in one area to offset real or perceived deficiencies in another area
Views the client holistically. Has a foundation in health promotion, illness prevention, and rehabilitation. Evaluates the effectiveness of medical treatment
Psychiatric nurse
Help clients make a gradual transition from being inpatients to living independently and to prevent repeat admissions
Partial hospitalization programs
Used to treat bipolar disorder
Mood stabilizing drugs
involuntary tongue movement, facial and neck muscles, and upper and lower extremities. Smacking, blinking, grimacing
Tardive dyskinesia
Expression of an emotional conflict through the development of a physical symptom
Helps the client to achieve a balance of work and play in their life and provides activities that promote constructive use of time.
Recreation therapist
Group homes, assisted living, supervised apartments
Residential treatment settings
Used to treat insomnia, OCD, PTSD, alcohol withdrawal
Anti-anxiety drugs
dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, blurred vision
Anticholinergic side effects
Failure to acknowledge an unbearable condition or admit the reality of a situation
Determines the client's interests and abilities and matches them with vocational job choices.
Vocational rehabilitation specialist
Mental health services delivered via information and communication technology
Used to treat ADHD, ADD, narcolepsy
high risk for suicide
cyclic compounds and MAOIs
Ventilation of intense feelings towards a person less threatening than the one who aroused those feelings
Involved in therapy, and responsible for working with families, community support, and referrals.
Psychiatric social worker
This program focuses on skills training, support, and teaching and provides most services directly rather than relying on referrals.
Assertive community treatment