mental health disorders
famous figures and mental health
treatment and therapies
symptoms and signs

this disorder is characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activites. 

what is depression?

this artisit is known for cutting off his own ear, it is believe that he suffered from bipolar disorder.
who is vincent van gogh?

this type of therapy focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behavoirs.

what is cognitive behavioral therapy?


persistent, excessive fear of social situations is a symptom of this anxiety disorder/

what is social anxiety disorder?


according to the World Health Organization, this mental health condition is the leading cause of disablitly worldwide.

what is depression?


this anxiety disorder is marked as excessive, uncontrollable worry about everyday things.

what is generlaized anxiety disorder? or what is gad?


this author of "the bell jar" wrote extensively about her struggles with depression.

who is sylvia plath?


these medications are commonly used to treat depression by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain.

what is SSRis?


flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety are symptoms of this disorder, often expressed by those who have gone through tramatic events.

what is post tramuatic stress disorder?


approximately this percentage of adults in the U.S experience mental illness in a given year.

what is 20%?


this disorder involves having multiple distinct identities or personalites.

what is dissociaiative identity disorder? or what is d.i.d?


this actress and singer known for her roles in "breakfast at tiffany's" and "my fair lady", battled with depression and anxiety.

who is audrey hepburn?


this therapeutic appraoch involves expressing feelings through art, music, or dance.

what is expressive therapy?

hearing voices or seeing things that arent there are examples of these symptoms, common in hallucinations?

what are hallucinations?


this age group has the highest rates of mental health issue.

what are young adults? 


this mood disorder includes alternating periods of depression and mania.

what is bipolar disorder?


this British prime minister who led the country during WW2 suffered from depression, he was referred to as "black dog".

who is winston churchill?


this therapy is designed to help individuals manage emotions and develop coping skills, this is often used for border personality disorder.

what is dialectical behavior therapy?


this term describes a severe decline in cognitive function, including memory loss, often seen in dementia.

what is cognitive impairment?


this is the estimatd number of people globally who suffer from anixety disorders.

what 264 million people?

this disorder is characterized by persistent, intrusive thoughts, and repetitive behaviors.

what is obsessive compulsive disorder? or what is o.c.d?


this nobel prize winning mathematician, whose life was depicited in the movie "the beautiful life" struggled with schizophrenia. 

who is john nash?


this controversial treatment involves inducing seizures through electrical currents and is used for severe depression when the treatments have failed.

what is electroconvusive therapy?


a lack of motivation and reduced ability to experience pleasure are symptoms of this mental health condition.

what is anhedonia?


suicide is the second leading cause of death amongest this age group.

what are 15-29 year olds?