Climbing Hierarchy
Feeling Good
Feeling Not So Good
Psyched Out
In Need of Assistance

After witnessing the "American Dream," this guy created one of the most popular models in psychology still in use today

Who is Abraham Maslow?


According to a very specific mental health poster 👀, there are this many ways we can "Prioritize Mental Health and Wellbeing"

What is 8?


A fear of the indefinite, often able to leave our "fight or flight" in overdrive

What is anxiety?


We defined it as the presence of wellness or the absence of sickness, rather than being the word we shall not speak of...

What is Health?


The first, and for most the hardest, step to treating psychological disorder... 

What is Seeking Help?


Our non-negotiable needs, laying the foundation for the hierarchal model 

What are Physiological Needs?


Defined as "confidence in one's own worth or abilities," and is found 4th from the bottom on the hierarchy

What is Self-Esteem?


A fear of the definite but irrational, like the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of ones mouth

What is a phobia?


Although its totally normal, we avoid using this word when describing health... between you and I, it means two completely different things

What is normal?


Seeking help here, on this digital space, makes seeking help accessible from virtually anywhere

What is online?


After our physiological needs are met on the hierarchy, we look for this, whether through money or a roof over our heads.

What is Safety and Security?


Statements we make to ourselves, such as "I am literally the coolest person on this earth it's actually not even close"

What is Self Talk?

The patterns of negative thinking that make events seem worse than they are

What are Cognitive Distortions?


The part of our brain that acts like an alarm, responsible for the "fight or flight" response in our bodies

What is the Amygdala/Middle Brain?


Maybe I'll seek medication or a referral from this person, a trained professional in their space

What is a doctor?


The First of our "spiritual needs" on the hierarchy, spread it wherever you can!

What is Love/Belongingness?


The sense of having physical, social, emotional, and intellectual independence... not to be confused with the transformers

What is Autonomy?


These help us rearrange thoughts and feelings to resolve conflicts, although too much can obscure solutions

What are Defense Mechanisms?


The brain structure that keeps or "fight or flight" in check, and makes sure we are safe from bears

What is the Prefrontal Cortex/Front Brain?


This place, on the ECRCHS campus, mission is to "build a safe space to support our students’ social-emotional needs. Sounds like a great place to visit!

What is the Wellness Center?


The point at the end of the hierarchy where, in Maslow's words, we can finally seek "our fullest potential"

What is Self-Actualization?


Having a strong sense of admiration for one's self, or the name of a cool poster hanging among you 👀👀👀

What is Self-Love?


It's NEVER too late for anyone with mental illness because they're all this reassuring adjective... HOORAY

What is Treatable/Preventable?


This perspective that Maslow adopted after publishing his book in 1968, a goal-setting perspective we also should pursue

What is Positive Psychology?


When alcohol or drugs use, hallucinations, or interference with work and school occurs, it may be sign that this type of help is necessary

What is professional help?