Lets Be Real...T/F
Signs and Symptoms
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Fun Animal Facts

Mental illness does not discriminate. Anyone can have a mental illness at any point in their lifetime.



This disorder is characterized by depression and anxiety as well as flashbacks. It is common among victims of crimes and people in the military

PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


What are the two types of stress? 

Distress: negative stress (family death, something dread, grades, pressure, drama)

Eustress: positive stress (anticipation, before events)


Are you helping your friend if they come talk to you and you don't have any advice to give them?

Yes. By being open and letting them vent about what's going on, you are helping to alleviate their stress and get things off of their chest. You are not a professional (or maybe you are, who knows), and you can't expect to have all the answers. Sometimes just listening is all they need.


What is the only mammal that can fly? 



Possibility of mental illnesses are Physical Factors, Genetics, and Experiences. 



This anxiety disorder is common, chronic and long lasting in which a person has reoccuring thoughts and behaviors such as repetitive actions or having things a certain way. 

OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Mental disorders require various treatment.  What are the two most common treatments used? 

Therapy and Meds


 True of false- If your friend tells you that they are going to harm themselves and they make you promise to keep it a secret, you should always respect their wishes and keep it a secret.

False. If you are concerned for their safety, tell someone. Talk to someone who can help. It is better to have a friend who is alive and mad at you than to lose a friend. If you think they are serious about attempting suicide, do not be afraid to call 911.


What color of skin do polar bears have? 

Black - to help absorb the sun and keep them warm. 


SAD stands for Simple Anxiety Defect

False: Seasonal Affective Disorder

Why are eating disorders dangerous? 

They're also linked with depression, anxiety, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors. They can harm the heart, digestive system, bones, teeth and mouth.  


What is the suicide/help text number?

211, 988

It is important to recognize emotions to understand what we are feeling. We can be anxious, angry, depressed, sad, or not feeling "our normal"  Why is it important to understand how we feel? 
So we can handle our emotions in a healthy way.  And why is that important???  So we can stay safe and be treated correctly if needed. 

How many hearts does an octopus have? 



Schizophrenia and Bi-Polar are the same disorder



A disorder characterized by excessive worry, unease, fear and sometimes uncontrollable panic.  Worry and fear about current and future events may cause symptoms such as elevated heart rates, increased blood pressure, and shakiness.  

Anxiety Disorder

Name 3 coping mechanisms for stress? (timeout, workout, reach out)

Music, drawing, changing mindset, deep breathing, reading, exercise, talking to friend, safe adult, weighted blanket/comfort items and....


True/ False- If you find the right words to say and spend enough time with them, you can cause your friend to get better when they are experiencing a mental health issue.

False. Temporarily you can make them feel better, but if there is an underlying cause making them feel bad, you can't fix it on your own. Sometimes helping a friend through something like this is challenging and frustrating because you cannot instantly make everything better. Being patient is key, and realizing that they need to be able to work out their own problem is needed to avoid burning yourself out. You can be a huge support for them, but ultimately you cannot fix everything.


Only animal with 4 knees?



Anxiety and Depression are some of the most common mental illnesses. 



Name 3 signs that a person could be suicidal

direct suicide threats such as “I want to die,” or indirect threats such as “You would be better off without me”/personality changes or withdrawn behavior/hoarding medication/giving away prized possessions/lack of interest in future plans/isolation from friends and colleagues/depression/


Name 3 places/people you can go to in school to talk to if you are having a hard time and have a problem.

Teacher, Counselor, Principals, Nurses, Peer


Name 3 reason why people hesitate to get help

They don't want to "burden anyone else with their problems", it is hard to talk about, it makes them feel vulnerable, fear of being judged, stigma, don't know who to tell, don't think the problem is "serious enough", asking for help is "giving up", no resources available Facts: Your friends (and your don) will feel worse if you don't come talk to them if you need help/ need to talk. They are your friends (and your don) for a reason, and they don't want you to feel bad! don't be afraid to talk about it!


National animal of Scotland 
