True or False: you are the only one who feels stressed.
What is false?
An emotion that can be associated with feeling worried or nervous about something that may or may not happen.
What is anxiety?
This is what happens when friends try to get you to do something you might not want to do.
What is peer pressure?
Something you can say to someone to brighten their day.
What is a compliment?
Procrastination can lead to _________.
What is added stress?
One breathing method to cope with stress.
What is the box method?
True or False: peers can usually tell when their friend/classmate is struggling with mental health.
What is false? Mental struggles usually can go unnoticed, especially if we don’t look out for the signs.
One way to handle peer pressure is to say this two-letter word firmly and walk away.
What is NO?
Something you should do if your friend comes to you about a serious mental health problem.
What is tell a trusted adult?
True or False: anger can influence the way you behave and think in the moment.
A way to destress that is commonly paired with yoga.
What is meditation?
When someone avoids spending time with others.
What is social withdrawal?
This happens when someone pressures you to join in on teasing or being mean to someone else.
What is bullying caused by peer pressure?
A breathing method you can suggest to a friend in a difficult situation.
What is box breathing?
Sudden changes in how you feel, such as going from super happy to very angry, can be a sign of poor mental health.
What are mood swings?
A way to relieve stress with physical activity.
What is exercise?
True or False: sadness and depression are the same.
What is false?
True or False: all peer pressure is bad.
What is false?
Something you do if a friend reports their mood as red on the mood meter.
What is offering support?
The type of decisions you could make under stress.
What are impulsive decisions?
If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or need help managing emotions, this trained professional at your school can guide you to the right resources to support you.
Who is your school counselor (
Some peers may pressure you to try these, which can harm your health and are illegal.
What are drugs?
The act of looking for approval or affirmation from others.
What is seeking validation?