Stress & Anxiety
Depression & Suicide
Healthy Relationships

The metaphor about the ship of Theseus and the changing nature of identity seeks to answer this question.

Who am I?


This diagnosed disorder is different from the stress most experience frequently and is characterized by fear, worry, or nervousness.

What is Anxiety?


Besides sadness, what are 3 other symptoms of Depression?

  1.  Sad, low, or irritable mood** or feeling nothing

  2. Decreased interest or pleasure in activities

  3. Change in appetite or weight

  4. Sleeping more or less than usual

  5. Feeling restless or slowed down

  6. Fatigue or loss of energy

  7. Decreased concentration

  8. Feelings of guilt or worthlessness

  9. Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide


If you always think your partner is cheating, there may be an issue with __________ in the relationship.

What is trust?


There are many components of identity.  List three!

What are race, gender, religion, activities (e.g., sports or music), socio-economic status, culture, who you surround yourself with:  parents, teachers, friends, key life experiences, values, personality, intellect


These are the strategies/skills you use when you are experiencing stress or anxiety that help calm you down.

What are coping skills?


This is the medical illness characterized by depression and mood swings.  

What is bipolar disorder?


Taking time to talk through conflict and make sure both partners are on the same page is healthy _____________.  


This personality type gets energy from others. 

What is extravert?


Though they can be the same activities, what is the  main difference between self-care and coping skills?

Timing!  Self-care is proactive, coping skills are reactive.  

(You practice self-care regularly, you use coping skills when you're experiencing stress/anxiety to calm.) 


This is the number for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline for help and information.

What is 988?


Ending a relationship because your partner isn’t respecting your comfort level on a certain topic might be an example of setting a ____________.  

What is boundary?


Name 3 of the 16 personality types from the 16 Personalities Inventory

Architect, Logician, Commander, Debater, Advocate, Mediator, Protagonist, Campaigner, Logistician, Defender, Executive, Consul, Virtuoso, Adventurer, Entrepreneur, Entertainer


Fulfilling these four basic human needs help keep your baseline stable so you can manage stress. 

What are sleeping, eating, drinking water, exercise?


Depression is a medical illness where a person experiences ___#____ or more symptoms for ___#_____ or more weeks.

What is FIVE or more symptoms for TWO or more weeks


Name 3 examples of unhealthy behaviors in a relationship that involve social media.

Asking for passwords, looking through a partner's phone without permission, sending unsolicited nudes, spamming someone with texts, needing to know someone's location at all times, etc.


Understanding your personal values helps inform your identity.  What are the Lovett five core values?

What is intellect, purpose, belonging, faith, love?


Name 5 healthy coping skills (there are many!).  

Examples: Breathing, exercise, listening to music, talking with friends, going outside, journaling


An effective suicide preventionstarts with Question, Persuade and this.  (QPR)

What is Refer?


List three of the most crucial components of a healthy relationship.  

Communication, Trust, Boundaries.