Let's Be Real!... (myth or fact)
Would you look at that? (Signs and Symptoms)
Help a brother out
Random Animal Facts

I can't do anything for a person with a mental health problem.

Myth! You can! Friends and loved ones can make a big difference. Only 44% of adults with diagnosable mental health problems and less than 20% of children and adolescents receive needed treatment. 

This disorder is a combination of a manic phase (a sudden onset of exhilaration and excessive good mood), and a depressive phase (feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and prolonged sadness)
Bi-Polar Disorder

What are some benefits to engaging in leisure activities?

  • Enhance the Immune System
  • Improve Flexibility: Moving can assist in stretching muscles and in turn improve flexibility. Try doing some active hobbies such as these to get moving. Examples:  Wii Games, walking, Yoga, stretching, swimming, painting, Tai Chi or dancing.
  • Improve Memory: Many hobbies will challenge your mental abilities and enhance your problem solving skills. Most hobbies also offer mental stimulation in reference to completing the task. Examples: Word searches, Crossword Puzzles, Brain games, Soduko, or Card games.
  • Reduce stress: Most people pursue hobbies because they enjoy them, and many things that we enjoy doing help relieve stress in our lives. Some of these ideas may also help create a calm atmosphere to reduce stress. Examples: Cooking or baking, gardening, taking a walk, singing, reading, or playing a musical instrument.
  • Improve self esteem: Some hobbies even involve other people which can create social opportunities and improve self esteem! Examples: Card games, board games, shopping, knitting, or scrapbooking.
  • Better Quality Sleep
Are you helping your friend if they come talk to you and you don't have any advice to give them?
Yes. By being open and letting them vent about what's going on, you are helping to alleviate their stress and get things off of their chest. You are not a professional (or maybe you are, who knows), and you can't expect to have all the answers. Sometimes just listening is all they need.
What is the only Animal with 4 knees?
People with mental illnesses will not get better
Myth. Once diagnosed, mental illness is treatable. While it is not usually “cured”, it can be effectively managed. Most people with mental disorders live productive and positive lives while receiving treatments for their mental illness.
Name 3 symptoms of Depression
feelings of despair and hopelessness feeling detached from life and those around you continued fatigue or loss of energy feelings of sadness – crying for no apparent reason inability to concentrate or make decisions thoughts of suicide changes in eating or sleeping patterns persistent or recurring headaches or frequent gastrointestinal upsets Losing interest in activities that are enjoyed
Name 3 places/people you can go to on-campus to talk to if you are having a hard time or think you might have a mental health problem.
Student Health Services, Personal Counselling, Your Don, Any other Don/ Head Resident, friends
True of false- If your friend tells you that they are going to harm themselves and they make you promise to keep it a secret, you should always respect their wishes and keep it a secret.
False. If you are concerned for their safety, tell someone. Talk to someone who can help. It is better to have a friend who is alive and mad at you than to lose a friend. If you think they are serious about attempting suicide, do not be afraid to call 911.
where on a cows body are the sweat glands located?
the nose
Mental disorders are a consequence of bad parenting or personal weakness.
Myth. The main risk factors for mental illness are not bad parenting or personal weakness but rather genetics, severe and prolonged stress (such as physical or sexual abuse), or other environmental influences, and brain chemistry.
This disorder is characterized by depression and anxiety as well as flashbacks. It is common among victims of crimes and people in the military.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
True or false- Medication is the only treatment method that works for mental health problems.
False. Medication can be helpful, and is sometimes necessary depending on the severity of the issue, but other methods such as therapy and counselling can also be very helpful. Talk to a doctor about all of your different options.
True/ False- If you find the right words to say and spend enough time with them, you can cause your friend to get better when they are experiencing a mental health issue.
False. Temporarily you can make them feel better, but if there is an underlying cause making them feel bad, you can't fix it on your own. Sometimes helping a friend through something like this is challenging and frustrating because you cannot instantly make everything better. Being patient is key, and realizing that they need to be able to work out their own problem is needed to avoid burning yourself out. You can be a huge support for them, but ultimately you cannot fix everything.
A blessing is the name given to a group of which magnificent creature?
If someone in your family has a mental illness, you are more likely to develop one as well.
Fact. Although you will not necessarily develop any kind of mental illness, if someone in your family has a mental disorder you will be at higher risk. So, if you start to experience the symptoms of a mental disorder it will be important for you to see a health provider as soon as possible to determine if you have a problem that will require treatment.
What event is this describing?..." sweating, nausea, trembling and numbness in the legs or hands, dizziness, hot or cold flashes, a feeling of tightness or pressure in the chest, hyperventilation, “jelly” legs or blurred vision can develop. Individuals may even feel like they are going to die of a heart attack" What Event does this describe?
Panic Attack/ Anxiety attack
True of false- you need to know exactly what you're going to say and how you're going to say it before you talk to a counselor.
False. Counselors are there to listen to whatever is troubling you, and you can open up to them at a pace that you are comfortable with. Tip: if you feel like you might get nervous and freeze up, it often helps to write things down before your appointment. This also helps you to organize your thoughts and put things in perspective.
Name 3 things you can do to help a friend who thinks they may have a mental health problem.
Listen to them, spend time with them, encourage them to seek help, go with them to appointments/ help them make appointments, show them that you care :), if it is serious tell someone, don't judge, ask someone for advice
How many hearts does an Octopus have?
Males attempt suicide more often than females do.
Myth. Females attempt approximately 4 times as often. However, males have a higher rate of death. This is because men tend to use more violent methods.
Name 3 signs that a person could be suicidal
direct suicide threats such as “I want to die,” or indirect threats such as “You would be better off without me”/ personality changes or withdrawn behavior/ hoarding medication/ giving away prized possessions/ lack of interest in future plans/ isolation from friends and colleagues/ depression/



What is the suicide text or call number?

Name 3 reason why people hesitate to get help
They don't want to "burden anyone else with their problems", it is hard to talk about, it makes them feel vulnerable, fear of being judged, stigma, don't know who to tell, don't think the problem is "serious enough", asking for help is "giving up", no resources available Facts: Your friends (and your don) will feel worse if you don't come talk to them if you need help/ need to talk. They are your friends (and your don) for a reason, and they don't want you to feel bad! don't be afraid to talk about it!
This amphibian soaks water into their body through the skin instead of drinking it.
What are frogs?