The act of staying in the moment without judgement
You can miss this many weeks before you're taken off a group sheet.
Name 3 places/people you can talk to if you are having a hard time or think you might have a mental health problem.
Friends, Family, your counselor, PROS, the suicide hotline (1-800-273-8255 )
The act of putting words down on paper to process things
If you're going away, you don't need to tell your counselor.
False. Your counselor needs to know if you're going to be out of program for an extended of time in order to better provide support to you.
True or False: coping skills can be positive and negative.
It's okay to take your mask off to eat/drink while at PROS.
False. At this point in time, no eating or drinking is allowed within the Guidance Center building.
Name 3 things you can do to help a friend who is struggling with mental health symptoms.
Listen to them, spend time with them, encourage them to seek help, go with them to appointments/ help them make appointments, show them that you care :), if it is serious tell someone, don't judge, ask someone for advice
A tool that you can squeeze when you're feeling angry or upset.
A stress ball
If you're going to smoke, you must be this many feet away from the building.
50 feet
Name 3 signs of mania
high energy, delusions of grandeur, rapid speech, irritability, reckless spending or behaviors, not sleeping
True or false: you only need treatment once and then you're cured.
False - many people move in and out of treatment as they need extra support throughout their lives. Therapy and medication are a support, not a cure.
The act of imagining a scene that makes you feel calm.
If I'm going to see the doctor, I don't need to attend any groups that day.